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Healthy Cow- Essentials to Keep Cow Healthy & Happy

Uploaded on 03 Jun 2021
Healthy Cow- Essentials to Keep Cow Healthy & Happy

Essentials to Keep Cow Healthy & Happy 

It is believed that 33 crore gods and goddesses reside in the cow. Cow has special importance in Hindu religion. Cow's milk is considered nectar. Milk products, milk quality, production capacity and happiness of the mother cow are very important for the health of the cow.

As a cow owner, you need to have the sense to look for signs of ill health in your cow. You should be able to tell if the cow is being well fed, and kept in a sufficiently clean and comfortable environment. You should also be able to recognize when her diet is not providing adequate nutrition, or when she has become the victim of a disease or parasitic infestation.  

How can you tell if a cow is healthy?

Cow should be able to eat and drink normally. If feed is available, it will have a full belly. When healthy cows are at rest, they will be ruminating. If the animal is showing signs of no appetite, it means that there could be signs of ill health.

A healthy cow is alert and aware of its surroundings. It has to be seen that she keeps her head up and sees what is happening around her. She is not standing well, if an animal is standing apart from the herd of other animals then understand that he is sick. A healthy cow will walk easily and steadily, balancing her weight on all of her legs. Healthy cows have a good appetite for food and generally like to feed to their satisfaction. 

How to identify the Sickness

Whenever a cow is sick, certain symptoms are visible. Most disease processes will result in abnormalities in behaviour, if a cow is not eating her normal amount, is withdrawing from her herd mates, is more or less reactive than normal, this may represent disease somewhere. Is.

How to keep a cow healthy

To keep the cow healthy, healthy animal feed and proper care is required. Diet is that food mixture which is made up of various types of food items to maintain the body of animals and for their proper growth and milk production, which is fed to cow in 24 hours. In this, all the essential nutrients like energy, protein, minerals, vitamins etc. are obtained in proper quantity and correct proportion. All the nutrients will be available from any one food item but its quantity and proportion will not be as per the need of the body. Therefore, in the balanced diet of animals, different types of green fodder, grain mixture prepared by mixing various types of grains, cake, etc. products and dry fodder are used.

 If the cow is unhealthy, then follow these measures:

Healthy diet: It is essential to provide balanced and complete nutrition to the animals. Provide them with appropriate quantity of food grains, fodder, green plants, and other animal feed items. Use good quality diet and feed them regularly.

Priority Nutrients: Cows require various nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, and energy. Ensure proper intake of these nutrients, which will maintain the general health of the animals.

Natural Food Supplements: Giving natural food supplements to cows improves their nutrition and keeps them healthy. Fruits or leaves such as lemon, apple, lemon leaf, and amla can be useful.

Clean Water: Provide clean and potable water to the cow. Check the water supply to them at regular intervals and ensure that the water is pure and clean.

Be alert: To manage the health of the cow, regularly consult a veterinarian and get their vaccinations and regular checkups done. By doing this, their problems can be identified and treated on time.


How can you tell if a cow is healthy?

  • The signs of a healthy cow in that she is alert and active, has a healthy skin, has a good appetite and drinks well and walk and stand without discomfort.

How would you describe a healthy cow?

  • Cow should be able to eat and drink normally. If feed is available, it will have a full belly. When healthy cows are at rest, they will be ruminating. If the animal is showing signs of no appetite, it means that there could be signs of ill health.

What are the features of a healthy cow?

  • Healthy cow should appear bright in the head, be alert to your presence and respond to touch or sound. An average healthy cows will spend 3 – 4 hours per day eating and 12 -14 hours lying down.

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Beverly Minyard, 05 Aug 2021 05:08 pm

I like that you mentioned that providing proper shelter for cattle during cold weather is critical. I have been thinking about getting two cows to use for milk but I live somewhere where it gets snowy and cold in the winter. It is good to know that as long as they have a good shelter they will be okay through cold winters.

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