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Online Gaushala Visit

Frequently Asked Questions

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti’s main aim is to protect indigenous (Desi) Gauvansh, including cows and bulls. It is a non-profit organization with a noble aim to provide shelter & medical facility to stray cows and improve the health of infirm, unproductive, diseased and abandoned Gauvansh.

For more information, Homepage

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti’s is presently located in various locations in many States likes Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand. Shree Krishnayan Desi gauraksha is continuously increasing its reach in various locations.

For more information, About Us

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti’s is sheltering more than 21000+ Gauvansh (both cows & bulls) in various shelters in many States in India. We started with just 11 cows in the year 2010 in Haridwar, and presently we shelter and feed more than 21000 cows & Bulls in various locations all put together. This number is ever-increasing as stray Desi Cows & Bulls mostly deserted by their owner are brought to our Gaurakshashala every day.

For more information, About Us

Yes, Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti keep them lifelong. Any gauvansh which comes to our gaushala is sheltered lifelong and fully taken care, no matter in what condition they are.

Yes, Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti protect injured and disabled gauvansh. Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala's team of doctors & paid Gausewaks look after them and shelter them lifelong.

For more information Our Activities

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti is dedicated to protect and shelter our indigenous cows. It was founded with the aim of providing a peaceful life for cows and preventing them from being subjected to cruelty.

For more information, Our Activities

In Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti, there's a special team of dedicated professionals, including veterinarians and other medical experts, who work tirelessly to provide the best possible care to all Gauvansh, or cows. Additionally, supported by a large team of gausewaks, or cow caretakers, who work around the clock to ensure that the cows receive the food, shelter, and attention they need to thrive. The team of professionals and volunteers work to create a safe and nurturing environment for cows in need. Through their tireless efforts, the Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti is making a significant impact in promoting the welfare and protection of cows in India.

Yes, in Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti , there are many shelters for Gauvansh. Our shelters have full-fledged in-house facility which includes animal hospital, husk stores, cowsheds etc. In Gaushala, A team of doctors and hundreds of gausewaks works round the clock in gaushala.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti operates Desi cow & Bulls shelters because these Gauvansh are considered sacred in Hinduism and are an integral part of Indian culture. Additionally, It represents Mother Earth, as it is a source of goodness and its milk nourishes all creatures. Its is the only creature in the world which inhale and exhale oxygen. Gaumata purifies the environment and thus balances the negative effect of current modernisation. Its cow dung and gaumutra cures thousands of diseases. The ghee of desi cow can only used for Yagya and has magical medical benefits.

The message given by Shri Krishna is even more relevant today :

“Humans need cows more than cows need humans. Cows need to be protected for humans to survive.”

Cow is the only animal in the world which breathes in oxygen and exhale out oxygen. That’s why it’s a heavenly divine creature. Cow dung and gaumutra purifies the soil and thus completely balances the environment.

Panchagavya (5 Cow Products): Milk, curd, Gay ghrut (Ghee), gomutra, gomay form a Holy union of panchagavya ayurvedic medicine. when all cow product mixed in different measures and with different other components forms a range of medicines. These medicines have proved to be effective to address a lot of medical problems. They have reportedly cured many chronic ailments and are the only alternatives to modern medical sciences. These medicines do not cost much dent to the pocket as they are made from all cow based products those are easily available

For more information, Benefits Of Cow

Desi Cows are native breeds of cows that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, while other breeds are non-native and have been imported from other countries. Desi cows have a hump on their back, long ears, and a dewlap under their neck. Other breeds do not have these characteristics.

Desi cows have a lower milk yield compared to other breeds. However, the milk of Desi cows is considered to be of higher quality, with a higher nutritional value and better taste. Desi cows are considered sacred in Hinduism and are an integral part of Indian culture.

Desi cows are native to India and have physical, nutritional, and cultural significance that sets them apart from other breed.

For more information, Benefits Of Cow

At present, apart from Uttarakhand, we have a Gaushala in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand & Gujarat where thousands of cows are being served.

For more information, Contact Us

Presently more than 21000 destitute cows are living a happy and peaceful life. Such cows are brought to our Gaushala from horrible time in which some are disabled or deeply injured even fighting for their life. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after. Hundreds of gausewaks work round the clock to look after them. Gaushala has a team of expert doctors & professionals who look after these cows.

No. As these cows are protected by Saints / Tapaswis, Scriptures don’t allow us to sell milk or milk products. That’s why we don't sell milk. Our main objective is to protect and serve indigenous (desi) cows. We do not exploit these cows for milk but distribute it free to saints / tapaswis / Gausewaks / Ashrams / needy / hospital.

For more information, Our Activities

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti provide shelter, protection, and medical facilities for cows, as well as nutritious fodder and breeding programs. Aalso provide training for farmers on how to care for cows, use cow dung and urine for organic farming, and make products from cow products. It has units for processing cow dung and urine into biofuels and fertilizers, and some generate electricity using biogas plants. In addition to promoting sustainable agriculture, gaushala also organize community meals, cultural events, and yagya to promote the spiritual and cultural significance of cows in Hinduism.

For more information, Our Activities

As a matter of fact, pure environment and pure ghee of desi cow is needed for the Yagya, which is rarely available nowadays. That's why Gaushala is an ideal place for Yagya. Not only this, milk, ghee, cow urine, cow dung are used to make the yagya fruitful, which pleases all the deities.

In Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti , it require millions Kilogram of fodder every month which includes husk ( wheat straw), Wheat Bran ( Chokkar). Green grass, Mustard Cake, jaggery (Gud), Mineral Mixture etc.

No charge is taken for serving cows in Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti, but you all are free to donate any amount to Gaushala.

Donation Form

Yes, Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti recognized and Registered with the State Government of Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh & also with the Government of India. We have received various awards & accolades for our work.

For more information, About Us

  • Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti is registered with the Animal Welfare Board of India (Chennai) and with the animal welfare board in various states.
  • You can visit Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti anytime.
  • Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti received various awards & accolades for our work. Gaushala recognised and Registered with the State Government of various states.
  • There is quarterly strict audit by both internal & external agencies.
  • You can also online visit Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti online by registering on the online gaushala visit link on the website.

The official address of our website is : Homepage

To contact Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha, you can contact our Head office at this Address, Mobile number and Mail id:
Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham, Haripur Kalaan, Near Prem Vihar chowk, Haridwar, District-Dehradun (Uttrakhand)

Email Icon

Phone Call Icon +91 8755955000

Whatsapp Icon +91 8755955000

For online visit registration of Gaushala, if you visit our website (Homepage), then the option of Online Gaushala Visit will be visible on the top right side of the home page. On clicking here, the page of Register for Online Gaushala Visit will open. From here you fill in the requested information and submit it. In this way your Goshala's online visit registration is complete.

You can donate to the Goshala through both online and offline means. For this, if you visit our website (Homepage), you will see the option of Donate on the right side top of the home page. Payment page will open as soon as you click on it. From here you can Donate on a One time or Monthly basis by providing payment information. Here you will get many payment options.

Apart from this, on the home page of our Gaushala's website, by clicking on the Menu tab located at the top right side and going to the donation option, you can get various types of donations and related information. Apart from this, you can also contact +91 8755955000 for donation related information.
  • You can donate online through your Debit Card / Credit Card / Net banking / UPI / QR code / Wallet from the following Link. Gaugrass
Receipts will be generated manually through the following options
  • You can send your cheque in favour of 'Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha' and send it to the following address:

    Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham
    Haripur Kalaan,
    Near Prem Vihar chowk,
    District-Dehradun (Uttrakhand)

  • ( Only for IMPS, NEFT, RTGS )

    Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha,
    YES Bank
    (4th character is ZERO)
    A/c Number- GOMATA

    (Please add your mobile number at the end of the account number for easy identification
    Example- If your mobile number is 8755955000, then mention the account number as GOMATA8755955000)

  • Please use the following UPI ID for transferring money through UPI from Application like Paytm, Gpay etc


  • Paytm / Gpay / PhoenPe number


Failed payments can occur from both the donor's end and the organization's end.
A donor often experiences payment failure due to a faulty internet connection, entering incorrect payment details, Insufficient funds or wrong card number, card date or CVC.
In case of online failed payment you can directly transfer the amount to our bank account :
( Only for IMPS, NEFT, RTGS )

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha,
YES Bank
(4th character is ZERO)
A/c Number- GOMATA

(Please add your mobile number at the end of the account number for easy identification
Example- If your mobile number is 8755955000, then mention the account number as GOMATA8755955000)

In case of any help or query, You can also call our direct number +91 7830241288 / 8448987587

Sometimes, it take a day for the bank to confirm the amount and in some cases the payment fails and money deducted is refunded back to you in a few days.
In suck case please fill the following form and we will resolve it at the earliest

Email Icon

Phone Call Icon +91 8755955000 / 7830241288

Whatsapp Icon +91 8755955000

We generally don’t accept cash greater than a certain limit. But you can call our direct number +91 7830241288 / 8448987587

Yes, you can deposit it directly to our bank account and the bank details for the domestic transaction are as follows
Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha,
YES Bank
(4th character is ZERO)
A/c Number- GOMATA
(Please add your mobile number at the end of the account number for easy identification
Example- If your mobile number is 8755955000, then mention the account number as

You can send your cheque in favour of 'Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha' and send it to the following address

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham
Haripur Kalaan,
Near Prem Vihar chowk,
District-Dehradun (Uttrakhand)

Yes you can send money from Gpay / PhonePe / Paytm on 8755955000

You will get a receipt automatically on your mail and WhatsApp after you make the donation

You can directly download your 80G receipt from KRISHNAYAN apps from Google Play Store or Apple Store.

Krishnayan Application Link
Google Play Store- Playstore
Apple Store- Apple Store
Website link- Login Page

In suck case please fill the following form and we will resolve it at the earliest

Email Icon

Phone Icon +91 8755955000 / 7830241288

Whatsapp Icon

You can directly download your consolidated receipt from KRISHNAYAN application which is available in Google Play Store or Apple Store. You have to go to
Krishnayan Application< My Donation < Consolidated Receipt

Google Play Store-. Playstore
Apple Store- Apple Store

Website link- Login Page

You will immediately get it after the donation on your mail & WhatsApp. You can also download it from krishnayan application.

Yes you can send money from Gpay / PhonePe / Paytm on 8755955000

You can contact Krishnayan to resolve this issue.

  • Fill the following form and we will resolve it at the earliest


Email Icon

Phone Icon +91 8755955000 / 7830241288

Whatsapp Icon or contact on +91 8755955000. Your issue will be resolved with priority.

The entirety of your donation is a tax-deductible according to the full extent of the law and you will be issued a receipt for that amount. 50 % of the donated amount will be reduced from your taxable income.

You can contribute financially to the cowshed through online medium. For this visit our website ( Donate option will appear on the right side top of the home page. Payment page will open as soon as you click on it. From here you can donate on a one time or monthly basis by providing payment information. Here you will get many payment options.

You can also donate to Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti online through your Debit Card / Credit Card / PayPal from the following Link:
On the Payment Page choose your currency from top (if you don’t find your currency than please choose US DOLLAR (USD).
You can also send money through Western Union / WISE or other service provider to the following account :

Swami Ishwar Dass
State Bank of India
Account No : 39995747778
Swift Code : SBININBB104
IFSC Code : SBIN0000691

In case of any help or query, You can also call our direct number +91 9760202306 / 7060103000

Presently, We are registered with tax authorities in India only

Failed payments can occur from both the donor's end and the organization's end. A donor often experiences payment failure due to a faulty internet connection, entering incorrect payment details, Insufficient funds or wrong card number, card date or CVC.
In case of online failed payment you can do the following

  • You can also send money through Western Union / WISE or other service provider to the following account :

    Swami Ishwar Dass
    State Bank of India
    Account No : 39995747778
    Swift Code : SBININBB104
    IFSC Code : SBIN0000691

  • Directly transfer the amount to our bank account: ( Only from foreign banks located outside India and in foreign currency only)

    Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha,
    State Bank of India
    Account No : 39995747778
    Swift Code : SBININBB104
    IFSC Code : SBIN0000691

In case of any help or query, You can also call our direct number +91 9760202306 / 7060103000

Sometimes, it take a day for the bank to confirm the amount and in some cases the payment fails and money deducted is refunded back to you in a few days.
In suck case please fill the following form and we will resolve it at the earliest

Email Icon

Phone Call Icon +91 8755955000 / 7830241288

Whatsapp Icon

We don’t accept cash from abroad. But you can call our direct number +91 9760202306 / 7060103000

Yes, you can directly transfer the amount to our bank account: ( Only from foreign banks located outside India and in foreign currency only)
Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha,
State Bank of India
Account No : 39995747778
Swift Code : SBININBB104
IFSC Code : SBIN0000691

You can send your cheque in favour of 'Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha' and send it to the following address

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham
Haripur Kalan,
Near Prem Vihar chowk,
District-Dehradun (Uttrakhand)
Pin 249410

It is a recurring donation. Your donation amount is automatically deducted every month on a stipulated date and credited to Krishnayan’s account. You don’t have to worry about initiating a transaction every month as it automatically deducts it.

You can can make regular monthly donation either from Krishnayan application or from krishnayan website, the link of which are given below

Website: Donation Form ( select monthly donation from top)

Krishnayan Application< Online Donation < Monthly Donation

There are two modes

  • ACH- Here the monthly donation is created in Krishnayan Application only. Here you can authorise it only through net banking and debit card. In this method, bank charges are the least or minimal.
  • Other Mode- here you can create it from website or krishnayan application. You can create it from UPI / Net Banking / Credit and Debit cards. In this method, charges are bit higher.

Failed monthly donations can occur from both the donor's end and the organization's end.
A donor often experiences payment failure due to a faulty internet connection, entering incorrect payment details, Insufficient funds or wrong card number, card date or CVC.
In case of online failed monthly donation, you can follow these steps:

  • Reverify the transaction link sent on your WhatsApp and email to start the monthly donation
  • Reinitiate a new monthly donation form the following link
  • Raise a complaint so that we can get to you and resolve the issue Feedback
  • write a mail to
  • Call / WhatsApp +91 8755955000 / 7830241288 or initiate a WhatsApp Chat

The following may be the reasons

  • Your monthly donation may not be active
  • Some of your instalments may be paused
  • There may be a problem with your bank
  • Your a last few instalments may have being returned unpaid by your bank
  • Technical Reasons

When such happens than you can

For ACH it is 10th, 20th or 26th of every month (depends on what you select at the time of creation). For other mode it is deducted on the day you created it.

Yes, you are intimated on email/SMS/WhatsApp prior to deduction of the monthly donation. Your bank also sends you a prior notification

The receipt is sent on your Email / SMS / WhatsApp after the decution.

Yes, you can pause your monthly donation.

Krishnayan Application < My Donation < Monthly Donation

Krishnayan Application < My Donation < Monthly Donation
Or you can directly pause it from the link sent through SMS by your bank every month prior to deduction.

Krishnayan Application < My Donation < Monthly Donation

Krishnayan Application < My Donation < Monthly Donation
Or you can directly stop it from the link sent through SMS by your bank every month prior to deduction.

You can start a new monthly donation of the additional amount from the following link

Donation Form

You can login on your mobile application and change/update it from your profile.
Krishnayan Application < My Profile

If you want to enter a new PAN number than you can change it from your mobile application:
Krishnayan Application < My Profile
If you want to update an Existing PAN number than you have to write an email to with an attached copy of your PAN Card.

If you want to update your name than you have to write a email to with a copy of your identity card.

Click on the link Forgot password and generate a new password through email / sms

Sometimes, it take a day for the bank to confirm the amount and in some cases the payment fails and money deducted is refunded back to you in a few days.

In such is a case please fill the following form and we will resolve it at the earliest

When such happens than you can
write a mail to
or call helpline +91 8755955000 / 7830241288
or initiate a WhatsApp Chat Click Here

When such happens than you can
write a mail to
or click on the link
or call helpline +91 8755955000 / 7830241288
or initiate a WhatsApp Chat Click Here

When such happens than you can
write a mail to a
or Feedback
or call helpline +91 8755955000 / 7830241288
or initiate a WhatsApp Chat Click Here

Please go to our website and do the donation

Click on the link below to Donate:
Donation Form

You can login on your mobile application and change it from your profile.
Krishnayan Application < My Profile

You can download Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti application from Google Play Store or Apple Store, the link of which is given below
Google Play Store-. Playstore
Apple Store- Apple Store

On the home page of our Gaushala website, click on the menu tab on the top right side. On the 10th number from the top, you will see the option of Adopt a cow. Clicking here, you have to click on Add Items below the option of Adopt a cow and pay the amount mentioned by choosing the two options given to you. You can also contact on +91 8755955000 for information related to this.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha shelters destitute cows & bulls mostly abandoned by their owners. You can adopt these gauvansh and give them a happy second life.

For Adoption, please click the link below or contact to our Gaushala.

In Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala, we provide Food, medication, care, shelter, other daily needs and all required service to make her life easy and happy.

No, You cannot.

Yes, you can perform Pooja of your cow via online and offline medium.

You can interact with your cow via video call or you can visit our Gaushala to see your cow. But you have to inform us on our following email to make a prior arrangement for the same

You can call or mail us to get the Photos & Videos of your adopted cow. You can mail us on

You can interact with your cow via video call or you can visit our Gaushala to see your cow. But you have to inform us on our following email to make a prior arrangement for the same

The cost of Adopting a Cow is ₹2100/- Per cow per month and for adopting Milk Giving Cows, it will cost ₹3500/- Per cow per month.

For more information, please click the link below.
Adopt A Cow

Usually we give better and reasonable ration to the cow but if you want to give more extra and special ration then you can donate for that by clicking on the following link and we will make the arrangements.

Donation Form

You can celebrate it in a Vedic way by either

  • Feeding Mother Cows
  • Doing Yagya
  • Shivabhishek
  • Feeding Brahmins / saints / tapaswis
  • Performing gaudan

These activities are done on the Foothills of Himalayas and on the Bank of Maa Ganga In Haridwar / Rishikesh. Learned Brahmins perform all these activities. We have a huge yagya mandap on the bank of Ma Ganga. Vedic Brahmins perform all kinds of Yagyas, Pujas and Japas for the welfare of the people. We also arrange Yoga, Meditation and Natural and Ayurvedic treatment through Jhanvi Yoga Dhyan Sevashram Trust in Haridwar.

Here in gaushala a vedic Brahmin will perform Gaudan on your behalf LIVE on Google meet / Zoom / Whatsapp as per your chosen date & time. This Gaudan will be performed elaborately as per the Vedic scriptures by a priest. An instruction sheet will also be sent on your mail with all details. The cow donated on your behalf will be milked and fed to saints and tapasvis all throughout its life.

You can also feed saints, Tapaswis, Fakkars, devotees on the foothills of Himalays and on the Bank of Maan Ganga river.

Different kind of Rudrabhishek is done by full by Brahmins with Vedic ritual on the foothills of Himalayas and on the bank of maa Ganga. You can select from different kind of Rudrabhisheka Ganga. Their blessings can change our life.

There are many benefits of these activities:

  • By feeding Cows You give satisfaction and love by proving them fodder
  • By feeding Tapaswis, Brahmins and Saints on the bank of Maa Ganga. You get immense punya and blessings from them
  • Shivabhishek performed with Gangajal on foothills of Himalays is done to remove obstacles from life and please Lord Shiva
  • Gaudan is done to remove obstacles in life and pave a way for Success

Yes, you can see most of these online for which a video call link will shared with you.

Here in gaushala a Vedic Brahmin will perform Gaudan on your behalf LIVE on Google meet / Zoom / WhatsApp as per your chosen date & time. This Gaudan will be performed elaborately as per the Vedic scriptures by a priest. An instruction sheet will also be sent on your mail with all details.

Yes, you will get a video of your event.

You can correct it from my profile in Krishnayan Application available on play store and Apple store

You can correct it from the menu Celebrate in Gaushala in Krishnayan Application.

Krishnayan application < Celebrate in Gaushala

You can correct it from the menu ‘Celebrate in Gaushala’ in Krishnayan Application

Krishnayan application < Celebrate in Gaushala

You can add members from family events in Krishnayan Application

Krishnayan application < Celebrate in Gaushala

We do a variety of Yagya & Pooja, like, Shivabhishek, Gaudan, Shradh,Yagya Feeding Brahmins / saints / tapaswis etc. The full list can be seen from the following link under cart menu:


We do a variety of Yagya & Pooja, the list of which can be seen from the following link under cart menu

Yes, you can do it but for that you have to contact us.
write a mail to
or click on the link Feedback
or call helpline +91 8755955000 / 7830241288
or initiate a WhatsApp Chat Click Here

All kind of Pooja and other religious events is performed by Vedic Brahmins, who all have a very deep knowledge of Shastra, Ved, Purana etc and are totally devoted for this.

Pooja is performed by Vedic Brahminswho all have a very deep knowledge of Shastra, Ved, Purana etc and are totally devoted for this.

Gaushala holds a significant place in Hinduism as cows are served. Many religious rituals, worship, and yagya are performed in Gaushalas for several reasons: Cow is considered as a divine animal and worshipped as a motherly figure in Hinduism. Thus, performing religious rituals in the presence of cows is believed to bring blessings and positivity. Performing religious rituals, worship, yagya, and other activities in Gaushalas not only bring spiritual benefits but also help to remove sins.

Yes, you can be physically present there or you can join online and participate in all events virtually.

Yes, you can do shivabhishek but before that you have to contact our team. Rudrabhishek is a Vedic ritual to please Lord Shiva. Different types of Rudrabhishek are performed by Brahmins completely in the foothills of the Himalayas and on the banks of Maa Ganga according to Vedic rituals. You can choose from a variety of Rudrabhishek.

For this, on the home page of our Gaushala's official website- Homepage ), click on the menu tab located at the top right side, then the option of Event will appear on the 8th number from the top. If you click here, then you will have to choose your desired option from Havan-Pujan or Yagya program related option, click on add item, choose the quantity or number on add to cart and then go to Donate Now, fill the payment form and pay it. You will get proper acknowledgment for the same. Apart from this, you can also follow the same process through this link- (Event).

In Hinduism, cows are considered sacred and are worshipped as a symbol of motherly love and divine purity. Thus, donating a cow or gifting a cow to someone is considered a noble act, and it is believed to bring blessings and good fortune. Gaudan is commonly practiced during religious ceremonies, such as weddings, or during auspicious occasions, such as the birth of a child. It is also common for people to make Gaudan donations to temples or religious organizations as a way of showing their devotion to God and promoting animal welfare.

Godan means donation of desi cow to a Saints & Ashram. This donated cow's milk will be fed lifelong to Saint and tapaswis. When that cow grows old and stop giving milk that she will rest in peace in Krishnayan Goshala for the rest of her life.

We can do it in our Gaushala (Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti). We perform the following activities for you on the bank of Maa Ganga in Haridwar / Rishikesh.

Only Desi cows can be donated in Godan.

Yes, you can do it. It is done with full Vedic rituals.

All cows sent to Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti where they rest in happiness & peace for the rest of their life.

They sent to Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Avam Golokdham Sewa Samiti where they are kept in comfortable & pleasant environment.

Gaudan is done with full Vedic ruituals by learned Brahmins on the bank of maa Ganga.

Yes, you can see the Gaudan online. Your presence is required for Pooja and for taking the sankalp.

Yes, you can personally cone and witness the Gaudan. But you have to pre-inform us. and you can alos join online and participate in all events virtually.

You can also complete Shraddha work by coming to Gaushala or through video call. You can choose from different kind of rituals which can be performed on your chosen date. We perform Puja as per Vedic rituals on the Bank of Maa Ganga in Haridwar / Rishikesh by Vedic Bhramins. It is said that any Pooja performed on the bank of Maa Ganga alleviates the souls to higher Lokas.
Shradh is a ritual to pay homage to one's deceased family members- ancestors.
Online Shraad

On the Bank of Maa Ganga in Haridwar / Rishikesh by Vedic Bhramins.

Shraddha rituals consist of following main activities –:
Tirth Shraad & tarpan- tarpan- You can perform shraad and tarpan for your deceased family members on the bank of Maa Ganga. This will alleviate the deceased soul to higher lokas
Godaan- - It is the most powerful and pure donation anyone can do in their lifetime. Performing gaudaan helps a person getting rid of all his sins, also removes all the obstacles. It also elevates the deceased soul to heaven and also removes the pitra dosh of the donor.
Bhandara for 11 Saints / Brahmins – You can do bhandara for 11 saints or Vedic Brahmins for the peace and happiness of the departed soul.
Feed Gaugrass- Gaugrass in the form of green grass, wheat bran and jaggery to our desi mother cows.

For more information please visit the following site
Online Shraad

Yes, you can see it through a video call.

Yes, you can get the recording but for that you have to inform us prior to arrange the same.

Yes, you can visit and perform shradh on the bank of Maa Ganga by prior booking.

For more information, please click the link below.
Online Shraad

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Shree Krishnayan Gaushala
Shree Krishnayan Gaushala