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Yagyas: A Panacea for Peace, Progress and Prosperity

Uploaded on 20 Sep 2022
Yagyas: A Panacea for Peace, Progress and Prosperity

Yagya is considered to be the best ritual in human life. Yagyas have been an integral part of human life from the ancient Hindu Sanatan tradition to the modern era. In Hindu society, if any auspicious work is done in the house, it is mandatory to have a Yagya. In such a situation, whether it is a simple worship, home entry or naming ceremony of a child, or even if it is an important tradition like marriage, Yagya is very important.

The importance of Yagya and Havan has been told everywhere from Vedas to worship methods. Yagya is considered a part of Sanatan culture. But, this is not just any religious work, Yagya is an important science. In today's time, where everyone is struggling with physical, mental and financial crisis, many people are seen wandering to get peace of mind. The chanting of mantras during the Yagya generates a vibration. This releases a positive energy that purifies the chakras in your body. The body and mind are purified by the smoke emanating from the Yagya. This gives peace of mind.

According to religious belief, Yagya infuses positive energy in the house. It removes negativity. This also purifies the atmosphere of the house. If the movement of planets is bad in the zodiac sign of a person, then Yagya can be performed. With this, the defects of the horoscope can be rectified.

The place is sanctified with cow dung in any religious functions, especially in Yagya programs. The fire of the Havan Kund is lit with cow dung cakes. Not only this, there is a tradition of giving every sacrifice given in the Yagya to the Navagrahas Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Shani, Ketu as well as the gods like Varun, Vayu with cow's ghee, so that the rays of the Sun Gets special energy. This special energy causes rain, and it is from rain that food, trees and plants get life.

Mahayagya is required for widespread happiness, prosperity, rain, health, peace, but small Havans also benefit us within their limits and limits. In the Yagya, there is a tradition of havan with medicinal trees like mango wood, barley, sesame, ghee made from cow's milk and about 55 different types of medicines and wood. These medicines create positive energy in the environment, as well as eliminate many types of disease-causing bacteria.

Apart from this, everyone has become aware of the importance of oxygen in the Corona period. After this, there was a competition to set up an oxygen plant for the availability of oxygen on the earth. But many naturopathy experts have told that the atmosphere gets oxygen when the Havan is done with the ghee of the Desi cow.

In ‘Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti’ which is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of desi cows in India who protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray desi cows and run and managed by saints, We perform the online yagya for you on the bank of Maa Ganga in Haridwar / Rishikesh . We have a huge Yagya Mandap on the banks of Maa Ganga. Vedic Brahmins perform all kinds of Yagyas, Poojas and Japas for the welfare of the people.

Here we have a team of Vedic Brahmins who all have a very deep knowledge of Shastra, Ved, Purana etc and are totally devoted for this. They start their day with Japa, Yagya at morning 4 and these activities continue till the end of their day.  Our shastra, Ved Puran are filled with different kind of yagya like putresthi, kamesthi yagya etc which fulfills all your wishes and remove hurdles. But all the Yagya will only bear fruits if Havish is pure and proper, the mantra is pronounced by Vedic Brahmins only and that too is correct. Food, attire and living style is pure and proper of the Brahmins. The ghee used in the Yagya should of desi cows only which nowadays is very scarce. We at Krishnayan fully take care of this and see that everything is according to the procedures laid down in our Shastra so that the Yajman reaps fruits.

Come and get Yagya Havan programs done through Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala and earn a lot of virtue in your life with Peace, Progress and Prosperity.

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