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Yagya (Yajna): Knowledge, Virtue, Science; Types, Purpose, Benefits

Yagya aloso known as Yajna is considered to be the best ritual in human life. Yagyas have been an integral part of human life from the ancient Hindu Sanatan tradition to the modern era. In Hindu society, if any auspicious work is done in the house, it is mandatory to have a Yagya. In such a situation, whether it is a simple worship, home entry or naming ceremony of a child, or even if it is an important tradition like marriage, Yagya is very important.


 What Is the Meaning of Yagya (Yajna)?

In Hinduism, any ritual or practice performed in front of a sacred fire is a Yagya. Yagya is derived from the Sanskrit word “yag”, which means worship, prayer, offering and respect. The process of Yagya looks similar to Havan or Homa, but these are two different Hindu rituals.

Yagya is a very important activity for Hindu religious people. It provides them an opportunity to honor the gods, thank them for everything and ask for forgiveness for any sins they have committed throughout their lives. This is a special religious process through which man can attain not only material happiness but also spiritual wealth. Yagya is the lifeblood of Indian culture and the essence of Vedic religion.

'Yagya' according to Bhagavad Gita: According to Bhagavad Gita, any work done for the sake of God is called Yagya. Work done for the sake of God does not create sanskars nor does it lead to karmic bondage. In the fourth chapter of Bhagavad Gita, various types of yagyas have been explained in detail by Lord Krishna while giving sermon to Arjuna. While explaining the meaning to Arjun, Shri Krishna describes the good deeds like charity, virtue, service, favor, protection etc. as a type of Yagya. Yajna is the form of Vishnu and Vishnu is all-pervasive. Therefore, knowledge, meditation, worship and contemplation are Yagya, service is also Yagya.


Importance of Yagya

The importance of Yajna and Havan has been told everywhere from Vedas to worship methods. Yagya is considered a part of Sanatan culture. But, this is not just any religious work, Yagya is an important science. In today's time, where everyone is struggling with physical, mental and financial crisis, many people are seen wandering to get peace of mind. The chanting of mantras during the Yagya generates a vibration. This releases a positive energy that purifies the chakras in your body. The body and mind are purified by the smoke emanating from the Yagya. This gives peace of mind.

Principle of Yagya-Give and Receive

The purpose of a Yagya varies and may include:
Spiritual purification: Yagya is believed to purify the environment and the individuals involved, promoting spiritual growth and well-being.
Harmonization with cosmic forces: Ritual is seen as a means of harmonizing one's actions with cosmic forces and maintaining balance in the natural order.
Expression of devotion: Yagya can be an expression of devotion and dedication to God, with offerings made in a spirit of selflessness.


Who Performs Yagna

Yagya is performed to invoke the gods and seek their blessings. These are performed by four (4) types of Vedic priests:

Adhvaryu – According to the Rigveda, Adhvaryu is entrusted with the task of ensuring that all the physical needs of the yajna are met, such as the construction of the altar;
Hotra - Recites Hotra invocation;
Udgatra – Udgatra chants yagya verses or mantras while concentrating on the pranavayu.
Brahmin – The Brahmin, considered the chief priest, oversees the entire process and leads the rituals, considered the moon deity.


Types of Yajna

Mainly five types of Yagya have been described and their description is also found in Hindu mythological texts.

Brahma Yagya- This is considered to be the first Yagya. Man is considered to be the best creation of God, but among them, father i.e. parents have the highest place. Gods are considered superior to ancestors, in which nature and other gods and goddesses are considered. God and sages are considered greater than these. God is called Brahma and Brahma Yagya is offered to him only. It is said that by reciting the Vedas along with regular evening prayers and self-study, the debt of the sages gets paid off.

Dev Yagya- This can be accomplished by Agnihotra ritual along with satsang. It is said that Agnihotra Yagya is performed by lighting fire in the Yagya Vedi and performing Homa. During the Sandhi period, this Yagya is performed with Gayatri verses and the debt to God is repaid through it.All the Yagya performed at home are kept in the category of Dev Yagya. Wood from 7 trees is required to perform this yagya. This Yagya increases positivity and cures diseases.

Pitra Yagya – As the name suggests, the deeds done with devotion and with true feelings, which satisfy the parents and teachers, are called Pitra Yagya. According to the Vedas, Shraddha-Tarpan is offered to our ancestors. The debt to the ancestors is paid off by having children and receiving their benefits, and this is called Pitra Yagya.

Vaishva Devyagya- Vaishva Devyagya, which is also called 'Bhoot' Yagya. 'Kshiti Jal Pavak Gagan Sameera'. We know that our body is made up of these five great elements and this yagya is performed for them. While eating, some portion is thrown into the fire and then some is given to cows, dogs and crows. This is what has been called 'Bhoot Yagya' in the Vedas and Puranas.

Atithi Yagya- The tradition of 'Atithi Devo Bhava' has been very ancient in our country. Serving the guests, satisfying them with food and water, as well as serving a needy woman, a young man acquiring knowledge, a doctor etc. comes in the category of Atithi Yagya. In Grihastha Ashram, the best service has been described as 'Nar Seva Narayan Seva' and 'Atithi-Yagya' falls in this category.


Benefits of yagya

By invoking God and elements of nature with a positive attitude, every wish of life is fulfilled. Yagya has been called the best deed in the scriptures. Many achievements can be achieved through yagyas.

There is a scientific reason behind the Yagya because only herbs are used in the Yagya. When Yagya is performed, not only do they become more powerful through the chanting of mantras, but the chanting of mantras and the smoke of these herbs also lead to internal, external and mental purification of the yagya performer and the patient. Along with this, mental and physical strength and positive energy is also available. All plants contain some liquid, oily substances which are called alkaloids in scientific language. Today, scientists are researching these alkaloids and making many new medicines from different plants.

In comparison to all types of medicines given to humans, medicinal herbs and medicinal havan smoke are more beneficial in many diseases.


How is a Yagna Performed

Oblations are offered into the fire. Among the ingredients offered as oblations in the yajna are ghee, milk, grains, cakes and soma. The duration of a yajna depends on its type, some last only a few minutes whereas, others are performed over a period of hours, days or even months.


Diffrence between Yajna & Hawan

Actually Havan is a small form of Yagya. The sacrifice made in fire after worship and chanting mantras is called Yagya. Yagya is performed for a specific purpose. Deity, offering, Veda mantra, Ritvik, Dakshina are mandatory in Yagya. Whereas in Havan, the process of bringing the offering to the deity through fire in the Havan Kund takes place. Havi, Havya or Havishya are the things which are sacrificed in fire. Havan is a ritual of purification in Hinduism. Havan is also performed for good luck, health and prosperity etc.


Yagya at Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala

At our Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala , we are blessed with a magnificent yagya mandap situated on the serene banks of Ma Ganga. Accomplished Vedic Brahmins conduct various sacred rituals, including Yagyas, Pujas, and Japas, with utmost precision anddevotion. These spiritual endeavors are undertaken for the well-being and welfare of the people, creating an atmosphere of divine grace and positive energy.

The yagya mandap serves as a sacred sanctuary where ancient Vedic traditions are upheld, fostering a deep connection with spirituality and offering a platform for cultural events that celebrate the rich heritage of our land.

We perform the online yagya for you on the bank of Maa Ganga in Haridwar / Rishikesh. We have a huge Yagya Mandap on the banks of Maa Ganga. Vedic Brahmins perform all kinds of Yagyas, Poojas and Japas for the welfare of the people so that all cows can take benefits of Divine Slokas.During the ceremony, all the divine saints performed yagna to purify the environment and seek blessings from the gods.

Here we have a team of Vedic Brahmins who all have a very deep knowledge of Shastra, Ved, Purana etc and are totally devoted for this. They start their day with Japa, Yagya at morning 4 am and these activities continue till the end of their day.  Our shastra, Ved Puran are filled with different kind of yagya like putresthi, kamesthi yagya etc which fulfills all your wishes and remove hurdles. But all the Yagya will only bear fruits if Havish is pure and proper, the mantra is pronounced by Vedic Brahmins only and that too is correct. Food, attire and living style is pure and proper of the Brahmins. The ghee used in the Yagya should of desi cows only which nowadays is very scarce. We at Krishnayan fully take care of this and see that everything is according to the procedures laid down in our Shastra so that the Yajman reaps fruits

‘Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti’ is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of desi cows in India who protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray desi cows and run and managed by saints.

Come and get Yagya programs done through ShreeKrishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala and earn a lot of virtue in your life with Peace, Progress and Prosperity.


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