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Why Godan is one of the best Punya-Karma in the world?

Uploaded on 06 Oct 2022
Why Godan is one of the best Punya-Karma in the world?

Gaudan has always been of utmost importance in India. Since ancient times, cows have been donated by kings and other persons to Brahmins etc. According to the Puranas, it is believed that cow donation should be done at least once in life to attain virtue.

According to Rigveda, the person who donates a cow gets a high place in heaven. It is said in Prayag Mahatmya that one who wants to go to heaven by climbing on the elevated plane, adorned with divine ornaments, he should donate Cow. Gaudan is one of the most priced gifts being offered on this ritual and there are different beliefs regarding the purpose served, such as to get good food for the soul, for crossing the mythical Vaitharani river, etc.

This charity destroys physical, divine and material sins. It takes the donor to Vaikunth and his ancestors have been told to bring salvation. In religious texts, the glory of cow is also mentioned in Treta, Satyug. Lord Krishna glorified its glory by serving the cow at Dwarpar. He told that it is believed in Hinduism that after leaving the body, the soul has to suffer punishment according to his deeds. By donating, the creature does not suffer while crossing the Vaitarani. The cow mother puts the creature across the Vaitarani. Apart from this, she also saves the ancestors.

In Indian culture, cow is worshiped as a mother. Godan is said to be the best charity. Cow may not have created the whole world, but it nourishes everyone. That is why we have been told here... Gavo Vishwasya Matarah.

 She nurtures not only humans but also animals, birds, rivers, ponds, fields, forests, air, water, sky etc. Keeps them pure. Many diseases of man are destroyed by just living with him and caressing him with love. With regular drinking of cow urine, almost all diseases are destroyed, every substance given by him is endowed with nectar qualities and gives life.

Some things related to cow worship are noteworthy in the Mahabharata, the greatest scripture of Hinduism. It states that the person who serves and follows the cow mother (Hinduism and cow has been given the title of mother) in all respects, being satisfied on him, the cows bestow him with a very rare boon.

Performing "Go (Cow) Pooja" is an integral part of the morning prayers for many. Gifting cows is considered as an important ritual. One of the important stages of preparing for the journey to the next world is gifting a cow.

ShreeKrishnayan Desi Gauraksha is located on the bank of Maa Ganga in Haridwar and is home to more than 18000 desi cows. This gaushala is managed by saints. We don’t sell milk or milk products but distribute it free to saints/ tapasvis / gausewaks / ashrams. Here in gaushala a vedic Brahmin will perform Gaudan on your behalf LIVE on Google meet / Zoom / WhatsApp as per your chosen date & time. This Gaudan will be performed elaborately as per the Vedic scriptures by a priest. An instruction sheet will also be sent on your mail with all details. The cow donated on your behalf will be milked and fed to saints and tapasvis all throughout its life. On bank of maa Ganga, this Gaudan will make you pure and free from all sins. Your forefathers will be pleased and happy. It will fulfill your Sankalp and will help you in attaining the highest state of eternal bliss.

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