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Why every Indian should know Desi cow and Jersey Cow Difference

Uploaded on 09 Jan 2023
Why every Indian should know Desi cow and Jersey Cow Difference

Why every Indian should know Desi cow and Jersey Cow Difference

Many milch animals are reared in our country. Animal husbandry had an important place in the agriculture-based economy in ancient times. The place of cow is also considered important among milch animals. In our country, the cow has been given the status of a mother. There are many breeds of cow found in our country, but many of us are unable to differentiate between desi and jersey cow. Today we will discuss this topic in this article of ours. Today we will tell you Desi cow and Jersey cow difference.


Desi Cow and Jersey Cow Difference

Let us know desi cow and jersey cow difference. First let's talk about desi cow. As the name of this cow suggests that this cow is Indian. Desi cow's milk is called A2 milk. The specialty of this cow is that this cow can tolerate hot temperature easily. That's why this cow is found in North India. Desi cow gives about 3 to 4 liters of milk at a time and it takes about 30 to 36 months for this cow to produce a child. Along with this, the amount of milk in it is high.

According to Ayurveda, cow's milk is useful in diseases like severe debility, relieving fever, diseases related to urinary system, bleeding nose etc. Not only this, cow's milk is the best substitute for breast milk. It strengthens the immune system and the high level of omega 3 which clears the cholesterol deposited in the blood vessels. The presence of cerebrosides enhances brain power. Not only this, it protects us from harmful radiation. Apart from this, the A2 variety of beta casein protein is available only in indigenous cow's milk. It reduces digestive problems, allergies and autism in children. Improves fighting ability against joint pain, asthma, mental problems and obesity. The proline amino acid available in A2 milk is needed to make protein.

Now let's understand about Jersey cow. Jersey cow is a small species of cow, which can live on dry fodder and grains. Its milk is called A1. Cattlemen keep it also because the breeding of this cow is very easy. Jersey cow gives about 12 to 14 liters of milk at a time. It takes about 18 to 24 months to produce a child.


If we talk about the side effects of jersey cow milk, then jersey cow is a genetically mutated cow for higher milk production. Consumption of Jersey cow's milk is not good for health. This increases the risk of heart disease. Jersey cow's milk regularly produces the chemical BCM-7 in the human body which is similar to opioids. It causes lactose intolerance, indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting in some individuals. This can cause autism in children. Consumption of A1 milk reduces immunity. Schizophrenia, stomach ulcer, type-1 diabetes can be the cause.


Desi Cow Vs Hybrid Cow - Which is better?

Now the question arises that which breed is better in both the breeds? Should we drink jersey or desi cow's milk? According to the Vedas and Vedic sciences and current research clearly shows that drinking Desi cow's milk is beneficial for health. Generally, jersey cow gives more milk while desi cow gives less quantity of milk but quality of desi cow milk (A2) proved to be best and it has some medicinal properties and doctors recommend to pregnant women, children. Also, diabetics and heart patients should consume it.

According to the National Cancer Institute of America, drinking milk of Jersey breed cow is likely to increase cancer by 30 percent. Whereas this danger is not there with the desi cow. On the other hand, German scientist Rudolf Steiner says that Desi Gaumata receives cosmic power through its horn. On the other hand, Dr. Kafod Hamilton, UK says that heart disease is cured by the use of cow urine and urination is open. By consuming cow urine for a few days, the blood pressure in the arteries becomes natural. Cow urine is the best medicine for chronic skin diseases.

Now let's talk about nutritional difference. The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Research has recently demonstrated the superior quality of milk of Indian cattle breeds. After scanning 22 cow breeds, the scientists concluded that five high-yielding indigenous breeds — Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi and Gir — had 100 per cent A2 milking status of the beta-casein gene. It was around 94 per cent in other Indian breeds as compared to only 60 per cent in foreign breeds like Jersey and HF.

A2 is responsible for making more omega-6 fatty acids available in milk. Desi cows of pure Indian breed produce A2 milk, which has less betacosmophorin, unlike hybrid cows which usually produce A1 milk.

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