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Cow is considered very sacred in the Hindu religion and has been given the place of mother. Cow is an ancient part of Indian culture. The importance of the cow has been mentioned in many religious texts. According to the scriptures, when Lord Brahma created the universe, he was the first to send the cow on earth. It is also said in Shrimad Bhagwat that Lord Krishna also used to serve cows. Shri Krishna used to worship cows every morning and donate them to Brahmins. Lord Shri Krishna used to serve the cow with his own hands and his abode is also said to be Goloka. Among all the animals, cow is the only animal that utters the word mother, hence it is believed that the word mother also originated from cow lineage. According to Ayurveda, milk has been called nectar, while cow urine and cow dung are also considered sacred. Come, let us know why Hindus worship cows? Why is the cow considered so sacred in Hinduism?

What is special about cows?

Even in all the mythological texts, the place of cow has been mentioned as supreme. Cow is considered like a god. For this reason, the cow is considered sacred. Cow is the most sacred animal for Hindus. According to Srimad Bhagwat, when the gods and demons churned the ocean, Kamdhenu emerged from it. Because it was sacred, the sages kept it with them. It is believed that other cows originated from Kamadhenu.
According to the scriptures and scholars, there are some animals and birds which are at the last stage of the soul's evolutionary journey. Cow is also one of them. After this, that soul has to come into human form. All the cows that we see, after coming through the evolution of
84 lakh species, are now resting in their last stage. Being born as a cow means rest, peace and prayer.


Importance of cow in Vedas and Shashtra
It is also said in religious texts that 33 types of gods and goddesses reside in cows. Koti does not mean crore, it means type. This means that 33 types of gods reside in cows. These deities are- 12 Adityas, 8 Vasu, 11 Rudra and 2 Ashwin Kumar. In every religious function of Hindus, first of all the revered Lord Ganesha and his mother Parvati are kept in a place of worship made of cow dung.

One Purana among the Puranas is Bhavishya Purana. In which it is clearly written where and which deity resides in the cow. Lord Brahma resides in the back part of the cow, Lord Vishnu resides in the throat and Lord Shiva resides in the mouth area. All the other gods and goddesses live in the middle part of the cow. In every pore of the cow, sages and sages reside and in the tail resides the eternal serpent. Mountains are said to reside in the hoofs of cows and the Sun and Moon reside in their eyes. Cow is a temple form. We cannot go to the temple of thirty-three crore Gods and Goddesses every day and have darshan of them, but by having darshan of Mother Cow, we can have darshan of all the Gods and Goddesses.



Virtue from cow

There is a religious belief that a cow takes away all the sins of the person serving it through its breath. Wherever a cow sits, it purifies the environment and fills it with positivity. This is probably said because wherever the cow sits, she sits there with complete fearlessness. It is said that a cow has the ability to purify the place by absorbing all the sins of the place where it sits. Due to being religiously revered, donation of cow is considered a great donation since ancient times.
It is mentioned in the Vedas that if a cow's tail is placed in the hand of a person lying on his deathbed, it would confirm his going to heaven. That's why some people considered donating a cow to be the greatest act of virtue. Cow is called the mother of the world; she is also considered the form of the earth. Therefore, by circling between the four feet of the cow, a person becomes free from fear. By circumambulating Mother Cow, one gets the benefits of the virtues of all the pilgrimages.


Fulfillment of desires by worshiping cow

There is a religious belief that by worshiping cow one gets the desired results. Having a cow in the house is considered very auspicious for the prosperity of the house. It is said that students should serve the cow along with studies. Due to this, their mental development happens faster. Feeding fodder and serving a cow is considered to be more beneficial for the attainment of children and wealth.

Like sun, tree, river, mountain etc., cow is also a very useful animal. According to Mahabharata, Goddess Lakshmi resides in cow dung and urine. Therefore, both these things are used for auspicious work. Due to their utility, Peepal, Tulsi, Ganga and cow are worshiped for their protection. The person who serves the cow with his body, mind and wealth gets residence in the cow abode. A person who keeps and serves mother cow at home lives a happy spiritual life and does not die untimely. For all these reasons Hindus Worship Cows.



Why cow is worshipped in Hinduism?

As the cow is a sacred animal for Hindus, all products derived from it are highly valued. In Hinduism, The cow is a symbol of the Earth, the nourisher, the ever-giving, undemanding provider. It is believed to be the earthly representative of the divine and nourishing Mother Goddess, who represents fertility and bountifulness. Besides, the cow is the favorite animal of God. Krishna spends His childhood in Vrindavan tending the cows. One prominent name of God is Govinda - protector of the cows.

What is the most sacred animal in Hinduism?

The cow, a revered animal in Hinduism. Our Vedas say that, all Gods themselves manifest in a Cow. In the Hindu religion, the cow has acquired a sacred status. Cows, especially, are considered sacred because they are the mothers of human kind.

What are the benefits of worshiping cows?

It is believed that by worshiping cows, one can attain happiness, prosperity, and liberation from the cycle of birth. If we worship Mother Cow, we attain the same material benefits we'd get by worshiping the demigods and demi-goddesses individually.

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prakash, 13 Jan 2022 06:01 am cows urine offerd to shivling like milk

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