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Why Desi cow need proper shelter and service

Uploaded on 14 Mar 2023
Why Desi cow need proper shelter and service

Why Desi cow need proper shelter and service

Desi cows are an integral part of Indian culture and traditions. They have been domesticated in India for thousands of years and have been considered as a symbol of wealth, purity, and prosperity. However, with the rapid modernization and urbanization of India, the number of Desi cows has declined significantly over the years. As a result, it has become imperative to provide shelter and services to Desi cows to ensure their well-being and preservation.

Shelter for Desi Cows

Desi cows require a proper shelter that protects them from harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, rain, and wind. A good shelter must have adequate ventilation, sufficient space for the cows to move around, and a comfortable resting area. The floor of the shelter should be made of non-slippery material to avoid accidents and injuries.

 There are various types of shelters that can be provided for Desi cows, depending on the available resources and budget. Some common types of shelters are:

Traditional Cow Shed: This type of shelter is commonly found in rural areas and is made of mud, wood, and thatched roof. The walls are usually low, and the roof is sloped to allow for proper ventilation.

Concrete Cow Shed: This type of shelter is made of concrete and is more durable than the traditional cow shed. It can withstand harsh weather conditions and is easier to clean and maintain.

Open Grazing: This type of shelter is suitable for Desi cows that have access to large open pastures or fields. The cows can graze freely and rest under trees or sheds.

Services for Desi Cows

Apart from shelter, Desi cows require various services to ensure their well-being and health. Some essential services that can be provided are:

Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary check-ups and treatments are necessary to prevent and treat diseases in Desi cows. Vaccinations, deworming, and other preventive measures can also be taken to ensure their good health.

Feeding and Nutrition: Desi cows require a balanced diet that includes green fodder, dry fodder, and concentrate feed. Proper feeding and nutrition are necessary for the growth and development of the cows and for maintaining their milk production.

 Breeding and Reproduction: Breeding and reproduction services can be provided to Desi cows to ensure their continued population growth. Artificial insemination, bull services, and other reproductive technologies can be used to improve the breeding of Desi cows.

Actually, providing shelter and services for Desi cows is crucial for their well-being and preservation. It is the responsibility of the government, NGOs, and individuals to take action and provide the necessary resources and services to protect and conserve Desi cows. By doing so, we can ensure the continued existence and importance of Desi cows in Indian culture and traditions.

In Shri krishnayan desi gaurakshashala, Presently more than 18000 destitute cows are living a happy and peaceful life. We not only give these cows a second home but also a second chance of happy life.

These cows are docile who do not harm anyone at all. So, we cannot leave these cows to meet a fatal end. Such cows are brought to our Gaushala from horrible time in which some are disabled or deeply injured even fighting for their life. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after. Hundreds of gausewaks work round the clock to look after them. These gauvansh are fed with a mixture of fodder that includes wheat, mustard cake, green grass, bhusa (husk) and jaggery. They are given plenty of water and have acres of land to move around. We have a team of expert doctors who look after these cows and administer them quality medicines.

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