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Why Cows are the highest source of spiritual Progress & Prosperity?

Uploaded on 22 Jul 2023
Why Cows are the highest source of spiritual Progress & Prosperity?

Cow is a priceless gift of God. Cow has importance in all natural, economic, religious, cultural, spiritual, but the spiritual power of mother cow is the most different and divine, therefore spiritual progress is impossible without it.

Not only cow's milk but Panchgavya and its mixture are like nectar on earth. Apart from this, the service of the cow and the environment created by the cows, the secretion of cow, the sound of mooing of the cows and the aura of the cows have their own importance and give their own benefits.

Cow is beneficial and important in health, sattvikta, spirituality, environmental protection, national prosperity. The importance of cows is not limited to this only, but mother cow also removes sorrow and poverty. Not only this, cow has been the basis of Indian culture, economy, health and values for centuries. But sadly, Gaumata was ousted from a common life, leading to a gradual decline in prosperity, health and values.

The spiritual power of mother cow has been making us happy and prosperous since time immemorial. In today's blog, we will learn and understand about the spiritual power of mother cow.


The spiritual power of mother cow

The biggest feature of the cow is the spiritual power prevailing in it. Every substance and creature has some very subtle and mysterious qualities. Satogun, Rajogun and Tamogun quantities are found in everyone.

The substances and creatures of nature with which we keep contact, our internal state also starts being deceived in the same way. The satogun increasing by raising a swan and the tamogun increasing in the house by raising a crow can be experienced at any time. Sheep, goat and buffalo are considered to be Tamogun predominant.

A huge amount of good quality is present in the cow. A cow's love for her child is divine. She loves her nurturer and that family very much. On encountering a lion or a tiger in the jungles, the cows form a herd by surrounding their cowherds from all sides and presenting an ideal example of sacrifice and gratitude to save their protector by risking their lives. Such a spiritual quality is not found in any other creature. Higher virtues of this level also increase in those who drink its milk.

The supremacy of the cow
These characteristics also increase in those who use cow's milk. Gaurus is an all-round nutritious food. There is an abundance of mental energy and spiritual satoguni elements in it, that's why sages and scholars have accepted the supremacy of the cow and considered it worthy of worship, protection and service. The cow has been compared to a Brahmin and its killing has been declared a great sin. Gopashtami and Govardhan are the two festivals that have been created to keep the attention of the general public stable towards cow protection. Since the tradition of taking out this first roti for the cow is also so that the cow should be considered as a family animal.

Cow devotion and cow service in Puranas
Cow-devotion of historical great men like King Dilip is famous, due to which they got good progeny. Even today that fact remains the same. Living in contact with the cow, the husband and wife can undoubtedly beget qualified and healthy children, their masculinity remains stable like Nandi. There are countless examples of good men who did a lot for cow devotion and cow service in Puranas.

At that time there was Gurukul system of education. Every student had to graze the ashram's cows and got a fair amount of cow's milk in the diet. Cow contact was also a big reason for the important benefits that the students of that time received for the growth of maturity and gentleness.

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