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Why Cow Milk Is Healthier Than Buffalo Milk

Uploaded on 26 Aug 2023
Why Cow Milk Is Healthier Than Buffalo Milk

Why Cow Milk Is Healthier Than Buffalo Milk 

Milk is used in almost all households. Milk is very beneficial for health. Milk rich in nutrients in abundance is the main diet of children. At the same time, doctors also advise people to consume milk. Vitamin-D and calcium present in milk strengthen bones. Because of the healthful properties of milk, it is also considered a complete diet. In such a situation, people do consume milk. However, people remain confused about the fact that which milk is more beneficial between buffalo and cow's milk.

Cow's milk is like a nectar

Cow has a very high place in Indian culture. It is called Kamadhenu. Cow's milk is considered to be the most beneficial of all animals. In that too, the milk of Desi breed cow is the most important. In our country, cow has got the status of mother because apart from mother's milk, if anything can save the child, then it is cow's milk. Have you ever wondered why this happens and why cow's milk is called nectar? Only cow's milk contains vitamin 'A' which is not found in the milk of any other animal in the world. Along with being nutritious, cow's milk is light, so instead of mother's milk, cow's milk is given to the newborn.

Nutritional Value of Cow Milk

Many nutrients are found in cow's milk, such as, calcium 200 percent, phosphorus 150 percent, iron 20 percent, sulfur 50 percent, potassium 50 percent, sodium 10 percent and many minerals. Vitamin C 2 percent, Vitamin A and Vitamin D 5 percent are found in cow's milk. Consumption of cow's milk ghee does not cause skin related and mental disorders in the body. Cow's milk enhances memory power, is good for eyesight and gives strength. Also it does not promote obesity or fat.
According to the UK's National Health Service (NHS), desi cow's milk and products made from it, such as cheese, yogurt, butter, provide large amounts of calcium and protein, which are essential for a balanced diet. It is also a good source of calcium for children. Pregnant women are advised to drink it as it helps in the formation and development of the bones of the fetus.

Which Milk is good for health Cow or buffalo

An important question arises that what is the difference between cow milk and buffalo milk. According to the data provided by the Union Ministry of Animal Husbandry, the consumption of cow's milk is more than that of buffalo. Because the amount of fat in cow's milk is less and its texture is lighter. Whereas buffalo milk is thick. This is the reason why cow's milk is consumed more because it is easier to digest than buffalo's. This is also one of the reasons why a one-year-old child is fed cow's milk instead of buffalo's milk. Buffalo milk is harmful for the growth of children and in the absence of mother's milk only cow's milk is useful for them. Due to the digestibility of cow's milk, it is more beneficial for patients than buffalo's milk.


Health benefits of Cow milk

Cow's milk is beneficial for healthy bones, dental health and reducing obesity in children, thyroid protection and heart protection. It is high in protein, vitamins and minerals, which is good for keeping bones strong and heart healthy.

Cow's milk contains 3-4 percent fat, while buffalo's milk contains 7-8 percent fat. Buffalo milk is thick and heavy, so it takes more time to digest. If you are on a weight loss diet and want to avoid excess fat, then drink cow's milk. If you drink less water, then drink cow's milk. Cow's milk contains 90 percent water. It keeps the body hydrated. Vitamin D is high in cow's milk. Cow's milk is useful for the mental growth of children.


Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala

We serve and treat thousands of such cow’s day and night in our Gaushala. In Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Let us all together make our present and future prosperous by serving the Mother cow.




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