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Top 10 High Demanding Milk Producing Desi Cow Breeds in India

Uploaded on 29 Sep 2023
Top 10 High Demanding Milk Producing Desi Cow Breeds in India

Cow rearing has been prevalent in India since ancient times. This continues even at present. In our Vedas and Puranas, cow has the status of mother. That is why cow-based farming has been described in the Vedas. More than 50 species of cows are found in India and the main focus of the people living in villages has been on cow rearing. However, the thing to be noted here is that the status of mother cow is given only to the cow of indigenous breed and not to the cow of Jersey or foreign breed.

Actually, considering the nutritional value of desi cow's milk, its demand is high. Even to small children, doctors advise giving cow's milk after mother's milk.


How to identify an Indian Desi Cow?

Desi cow is not only an animal, but it is a unique gift of nature. Modern science also accepts the qualities of the cow. Identification of Indian Desi cow breeds is simple, hump is found in them, due to which they are also called humped Indian breeds or they are called by the name of Desi breed.


Which cow breed gives more milk in india

Which breed of desi cow should be selected so that good milk production can be achieved? So today we have brought this topic that by choosing which varieties of desi cow you can get good milk production. It is worth noting here that if a cow of the same breed is reared in the same area and given a balanced diet, it benefits a lot. Let us know about the 10 best Desi improved species of cow according to the region which hold the top position in milk production.


Gyr/ Gir cow

Gir breed of cows originally comes from the areas of Gujarat. They are named “Gir” because they are found in the Gir forests. They are considered to be the highest milk producing breed in India. Cows of this breed can give 50-80 liters of milk in a day. This cow has big udders. This cow is in great demand not only in the country but also in foreign countries. People of Israel and Brazil like to raise Gir Cow.


Sahiwal cow

Sahiwal cows are very much liked by milk traders. This cow produces 2000 to 3000 liters of milk annually. Once she becomes a mother, she gives milk for about 10 months. These are considered the best breed of India. Basically this breed is found in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.


Rathi cow

Rathi breed is from Rajasthan. They are named Rathi after the Rathas tribe. They are known to give more milk. This cow is found in Ganganagar, Bikaner and Jaisalmer areas of Rajasthan. This cow gives 6-8 liters of milk every day.


Hallikar cow

Hallikar cow is a breed found in Karnataka. This breed is found most in Mysore (Karnataka). The milk yielding capacity of cows of this breed is very high.


Haryana cow

According to the name, this breed is from Haryana. But it is also found in the areas of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. This cow is white in colour. Milk production from these is also good. Bulls of this breed also do good work in farming.


Kankrej cow

Kankrej breed is basically found in Gujarat and Rajasthan. They give 5 to 10 liters of milk daily. Kankrej cows have small and wide mouth. Bulls of this breed are also good load carriers.


Red Sindhi cow

Red Sindhi cow is found in Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu. Due to their color they are called Red Sindhi Cow. This red colored cow is known for high milk production. They give 2000 to 3000 liters of milk annually. Earlier this breed was found only in Sindh region but now it is also found in Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Odisha.


Krishna Valley cow

This breed is originally from Karnataka. This white colored cow has small horns and a thick body. Once she becomes a mother, she gives an average of 900 liters of milk annually.


Nagori cow

Found in Nagaur district of Rajasthan, the color of this breed is light red, white and light purple. Once mothered, this breed gives 600 to 1000 liters of milk. The fat in its milk is 4.9%. Bulls of this breed have good carrying capacity.


Khillari cow

This breed is basically found in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Western Maharashtra. The color of this species is khaki, head is large, horns are long and tail is short. Bulls of Khillari breed are very powerful. The average weight of a male of this breed is 450 kg and that of a cow is 360 kg. The fat in its milk is about 4.2%. Once it becomes a mother, this cow gives an average of 240-515 liters of milk.

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