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The significance of Gau Mata in our Sanatana Dharma

Uploaded on 26 Sep 2023
The significance of Gau Mata in our Sanatana Dharma

Mother cow has great importance in Sanatan Dharma. Gods reside in every part of Mother Cow; hence Mother Cow has come for the salvation of the entire mankind. Cow rearing has been the main duty in India since time immemorial. In ancient times, the one who had more cows was considered rich and wealthy. It is worth considering that as long as India was full of cow wealth, it was an ideal for the entire world.

Be it any puja or purification in the house, material related to Mother Cow is definitely kept in every type of puja. For example, before the puja, it is mandatory to smear the house with cow dung and ghee made from cow's milk is used in the puja or havan. If a house is plastered with cow dung, Goddess Lakshmi resides in that house.

Apart from this, it also has some scientific aspects. By plastering the house with cow dung, harmful bacteria are also eliminated. Although in today's times people do not believe in these things, but even today many people believe in these facts. It is said in religious texts that by serving Mother Cow, all the Gods and Goddesses are pleased.  


Why is Cow considered sacred in Hindu Dharma?

Mother cow is the best means to keep the environment and body healthy. This remedy is the cheapest and free from side effects. In ancient times, the people of India considered cow wealth as the main wealth and used to protect cows, promote cows and rear cows in every way. Be it about any era (Satyug, Treta and Dwapar), Mother Cow was, has been, becoming the great identity of all the eras, and it will be the same in the coming eras also.

Shri Ram was born only by the grace of Mother Cow. Shri Krishna's entire childhood was spent among cows. Mother cow is mentioned on every page of Mahabharata. This matter also dates back to Dwapar Yuga. The worshipers of Mahavir Swami, the twenty-fourth and last Tirthankar of the Jains, also had eight Gokuls each. That means there was a huge group of 80 thousand cows.


Mobile hospital and second mother of human baby

Cow is like a mobile hospital. There cannot be a greater doctor than him in the entire world. Cow promises to keep us completely healthy. Provided we learn to give him proper service and respect. Mother cow gives the best and the best Panchgavya by eating the cheapest things - grass, fodder.

Undoubtedly the cow is the second mother of the human child. Our body of five elements can remain healthy only when we keep supplying it with five elements and the nature in which this body of five elements resides is also made up of five elements, if it has to be improved then we will have to perform Agnihotra with five elements.  These five elements are – copper vessel, cow dung cakes (upla), raw rice, cow dung and desi camphor. This Agnihotra Bhasma cures many diseases.


Importance of donating cow

Cow donation has great importance in Hindu religion. In ancient times, whenever great kings used to organize yagya, they used to donate cows to Brahmins as dakshina. Godaan is considered to be the best of all donations. Donating a cow frees one from sin.

Even today, after someone's death, to bring salvation to that person's soul, his family members definitely donate Godan after the Havan puja. The activities that take place after death have been described in detail in Garuda Purana. According to Garuda Purana, after the soul goes to Yamalok, it first has to cross a river which is the Rudra form of Mother Ganga. Only mother cow helps in crossing this river. It is said that if a dying person has ever donated a cow during his lifetime or after his death his family members have donated a cow for him to attain salvation, then it will be easy for that person to cross the Ganga river to Yamlok. That is why in the Hindu religion one must donate a cow at least once in his lifetime or the family members of that person must donate a cow after his death to attain salvation.

Spiritual significance of Gaumata

In today's time of progress and technological science, we are changing the nature of ancient Sanatan and Vedic culture. The form of reverence, devotion and faith has also changed. We should not look at the cow only from a religious point of view, merely arranging food for the cow will not help. We have to come forward to serve mother cow. If India's health is to be kept healthy, then India's identity will have to be protected and we will have to take refuge in Mother Cow.

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