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Tharparkar Cattle: Characteristics, Origin, Uses and benefits

Uploaded on 29 Mar 2023
Tharparkar Cattle: Characteristics, Origin, Uses and benefits

Tharparkar Cattle: Characteristics, Origin, and Uses & benefits

The Tharparkar is a purebred cow breed native to the Sind province of present-day Pakistan, but named after the Thar desert in Rajasthan, India. This breed is also referred to as White Sindhi, Grey Sindhi, or Thari. Its breeding range includes the Kutchchh district of Gujarat and the Barmer, Jaisalmer, and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan. Tharparkar cows are of medium size and have coat colors ranging from white to grey, with darker shades on the face and extremities.

Their faces and extremities are darker than the rest of their bodies, and their necks, humps, forequarters, and hindquarters are also dark. The color of their coat darkens during the winter. Despite drought and fodder scarcity conditions, Tharparkar cows can thrive on small bushy vegetation, such as Sewan grass, and produce a reasonable amount of milk, with an average yield of 1749 kilograms per lactation (ranging from 913 to 2147 kilograms per lactation). In farm conditions, high-nutrition Tharparkar cows have produced even more than 3000 liters per lactation.

Tharparkar – Pure Indian Cow Breed

The Tharparkar is a pure Indian cow breed that is well-known for its high milk production capabilities. With an average yield of 1749 kilograms per lactation (ranging from 913 to 2147 Kg per lactation), this breed produces between 8 to 10 Kg of milk daily. The milk produced by Tharparkar cows is classified as A2, which is known for its exceptional nutritional properties. A2 milk is considered to be a complete food, containing essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and micronutrients that can boost the immune system and provide a range of other health benefits.

Origin of Tharparkar cow

Tharparkar cow is found primarily in Rajasthan. It is raised in regions like Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaisalmer, Sirohi, and Jalor in this state. Rajasthan is a desert area, also known as the Thar Desert. This is why the cow found here is known as the Tharparkar cow. The Thar region of Rajasthan is home to this breed of cow, which is known as the Tharparkar cow. People who live in Rajasthan also refer to it as Malani. This breed of cow is now being raised in various parts of the country in addition to Rajasthan. Chandrakant Bharekar, who lives in Pune and has a Tharparkar club, has stated that he has been raising Tharparkar cows for the past five years. Several breeds of cows have been raised in his club, some of which are capable of producing 16 to 18 liters of milk at a time.

Benefits of Tharparkar

The Tharparkar breed of cows offers a range of benefits. They are able to survive for extended periods of time in drought conditions, feeding on sewan grass, which is a type of bushy vegetation found in their grazing fields during long dry seasons. Even when food sources are scarce, Tharparkar cows can still produce a moderate amount of milk, which is a highly beneficial trait. Additionally, these cows have a strong resistance to many common pathogens and diseases, as well as a high level of heat endurance, making them one of the top breeds of cows in India. Due to these exceptional qualities, Tharparkar cows are often used to raise crossbreeds such as the "Karan Fries" at the National Dairy Research Institute.

Tharparkar Cow Identification: PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

Tharparkar cows are beautiful with a white coat and big eyes. While most desi cows are also beautiful, Tharparkar cows have a unique identity. During cold weather, black hair grows on their white bodies. They have a broad forehead, a medium-sized head, and an arched neck. Their height is slightly taller than Rath and Sahiwal breed cows. Tharparkar cows can produce up to 9 liters of milk in 24 hours. The Tharap

Sahiwal breed cows. Tharparkar cows can produce up to 9 liters of milk in 24 hours.

The Tharap

The Tharaparkar cattle breed is characterized by their medium size and attractive white to silver-grey coat. As Zebu type cattle, both males and females exhibit a hump between their shoulders and a loose dewlap. The males typically have a larger and more prominent hump, which is often a darker grey or black shade. These cattle feature long rectangular faces with a slightly upturned snout and droopy ears. Their bodies are blocky and well-defined, while their legs are long and powerful.

Information about Cow Breeding and Milking:

Although many breeds of cattle can produce milk, not all of them are utilized for dairy production. Cows typically give birth once per year and should have an inter-calving cycle of 12 to 14 months. They are highly effective mothers and produce significant amounts of nutritious milk, even when fed low-quality feed. Cows have strong maternal instincts, and their birthing rates are typically high, with few to no complications during the calving process.

Tharparkar Breed cow for dairy business

According to Dr. Subhash Kushwaha, an expert at the Agriculture Science Center, Tharparkar cows are useful in the dairy business due to their unique characteristics. This breed of cow is capable of producing high quantities of milk even in temperatures exceeding 45 degrees Celsius. In contrast, other breeds of cows can produce 20 to 30% less milk at high temperatures. Tharparkar cows can maintain their milk production performance even in adverse conditions, and their productivity is significantly better than other breeds. They can give birth up to 15 times in their lifetime, while other breeds can only give birth 5 to 10 times. The lifespan of a Tharparkar cow is around 25 to 28 years.

Tharparkar Cow Living Capable in Adverse Conditions

Rajasthan is a desert area where the maximum temperature reaches up to 52 degrees Celsius. In winters, the minimum temperature goes down to zero degrees Celsius. It is not possible for all cows to survive in such an environment. However, Tharparkar breed of cows is capable of tolerating both high and low temperatures. Cows of this breed that can survive in Rajasthan's hot weather can be easily raised in other regions as well.

Tharparkar Calf Care

Tharparkar calf requires special care at the time of birth. After the calf is born, its mouth, nose, and body should be properly cleaned. If the calf is having trouble breathing after birth, it may need artificial respiration by applying pressure. Gently push on the calf's chest. Also, cut the calf's navel by keeping a distance of 2 inches from the body, and clean the navel properly with iodine solution.

Tharparkar Cow Research

According to a study, there is a specific gene present in Tharparkar breed of cows that enables them to tolerate global warming or higher temperatures. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has confirmed that Tharparkar and Sahiwal breeds have a particular gene that enables them to tolerate higher temperatures. The research has also shown that Tharparkar cows are more capable of tolerating higher temperatures than other breeds of cows.

Tharparkar Cow Price

The milk of Tharparkar cows is full of delicious and nutritious properties. It contains probiotic properties that enhance the body's disease resistance capabilities. The milk of these cows also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and calcium, which helps strengthen mental disorders and bones. At a livestock auction, a bid was placed for the sale of a Tharparkar cow, starting at Rs 40,000, and it reached up to Rs 2.4 lakh. This was the highest bid ever made for a cow.

Benefits of Tharparkar cow’s milk

Tharparkar cows are a breed of cattle that are known for their ability to produce high-quality milk. Here are some benefits of Tharparkar cow's milk and its estimated cost:


1.Nutritional value: Tharparkar cow's milk is rich in nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamin D, making it a healthy option for consumption.

2. Digestibility: The milk is easily digestible due to its low-fat content, making it ideal for people with lactose intolerance.

3.Immune system booster: The milk is also rich in immunoglobulins that help strengthen the immune system and protect against infections.



What is the Speciality of Tharparkar cow?

  • The Tharparkar cow, known for being one of the best indigenous milk-producing breeds, originates from the Thar Desert. Found in western Rajasthan, extending to the India-Pakistan border and the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.Unlike other breeds, Tharparkar cows maintain consistent milk production even in higher temperatures.

How much milk does a Tharparkar cow produce a day?

  • Tharparkar cow yields 10 to 16 liters of milk daily.

How do you identify a Tharparkar cow?

  • The Tharparkar cow is white or light brown with a medium-sized headwith a broad forehead. The horns are small to medium-sized and curve outward, upward, and inward. The ears are long and wide a long and slender tail, and an average height of about 130 cm.

What is the cost of Tharparkar cow in India?

  • The price of a Tharparkar cow ranges from 20,000 to 60,000 rupees.
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