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Save the cow - Help Krishnayangauraksha

Uploaded on 21 Mar 2023
Save the cow - Help Krishnayangauraksha

Save the cow - Help Shree krishnayan Gaurakshashala

 On hearing words like cow protection or cow service, people's general reaction is that there are thousands of cows in the country, hence protection should be for endangered species and not for the cows. Some people think that it is related to the faith of a particular religion, hence making cow is their only duty. However, it is not like that. As an animal, cow is not an ordinary creature but a supernatural animal which is no less than a boon for nature and all mankind.

However, cow is our mother. She feeds milk to her calves and if the milk is left, she provides milk to humans also. Vedic philosophy teaches that there are seven mothers: the birth mother, the nurse, the Brahmin's wife (if she is not the birth mother), the king's wife, the spiritual master's wife, the earth, and the cow. Among all these mothers, the existence of mother cow is in the greatest danger and now we have to be ready to protect the cow.


Why Cow?

It is mentioned in our Vedas and scriptures that before being born as a human being, a person has to pass through the vagina of a cow. After leaving the human body, the soul once again enters the body of a cow before traveling forward or downwards according to individual karma. Whenever there is a demise or death in any house, you will always find some cow or bull wandering around for this reason. This is the reason why offerings are made to cows to please their ancestors.

Actually, cow has the power of Mother Gayatri within itself. There is a specific nadi on the hump of the Desi cow which is called Surya Ketu Nadi. This nadi absorbs the frequencies of the Sun, Moon and all the luminaries of creation. Serving the cow – rescuing her, nurturing her and protecting her calf – has the effect of transferring this positive frequency to an individual which can be used to correct imbalances in the body, environment or for upliftment of the soul.


Cow Protection- we must come forward

Every person in the country should take a pledge to serve cows and protect cows. Mother cow is a symbol of Indian culture. We will have to make every possible effort for cow protection and promotion. Mother cow is the symbol of the culture of the country. For its conservation and promotion, it is necessary that we all become aware and responsible for it. Although it is not possible to rear a cow in every house, but if we cooperate for cow service in cow shelters, our resolve to protect cows can be fulfilled.

Help Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala to save Cows
Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti’ is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of desi cows in India. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray desi cow’s majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers.  Presently more than 21000 destitute cows are living a happy and peaceful life. We not only give these cows a second home but also a second chance of happy life.


What we do?
We have Gaushalas in many states of India where we rescue and serve injured, sick, old cows and protect them from cattle mafia and butchers. These cows are docile who do not harm anyone at all. So, we cannot leave these cows to meet a fatal end. Such cows are brought to our Gaushala from horrible time in which some are disabled or deeply injured even fighting for their life. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after. Hundreds of gausewaks work round the clock to look after them. These gauvansh are fed with a mixture of fodder that includes wheat, mustard cake, green grass, bhusa (husk) and jaggery. They are given plenty of water and have acres of land to move around. Moreover, we offer vital medication to address the health needs of these vulnerable beings, particularly the elderly and destitute gauvansh that we rescue from critical conditions We have a team of expert doctors who look after these cows and administer them quality medicines.

Cows provide abundant milk not only for their calves but also for us. Cow protection brings happiness and fulfillment in life. Let us save him and our Sanatan Dharma values.



Is Krishnayan Gauraksha real?

  • Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti’ is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of Desi cows in India.This Gaushala started with only 11 cows in Haridwar in 2010, and currently shelters and feeds over 21000 cows and bulls in total at various locations. This number is continuously increasing as stray desi cows and bulls, mostly abandoned by their owners, are brought to the cow shelter every day. They are registered with the Animal Welfare Board of India (Chennai) and animal welfare boards in various states.

What Krishna says about cows?

  • In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna is depicted as the protector of cows. He is said to have a deep affection for cows, and he is often depicted playing his flute surrounded by cows in a pastoral setting.
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