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It saves our Culture, Prosperity, Environment and Earth

Since time immemorial, the indian cow has been important in the worldly and spiritual fields, hence the cow is considered as the mother of the world. That means ‘Gavo Vishwasya Matar:’. 33 crore deities reside in the body of a indian cow. God appears on earth for the protection of indian cows. India is a nation that believes in Vedic religion, in which the style of life is according to the Vedas. According to the Vedas, everyone gave the place of mother to the cow. That is why cow protection is considered the biggest religion.

From time to time, great movements have been launched to serve Mother Cow. In the year 1882, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati established Gorakshini Sabha and only after that the cow protection movement started in India. In the 19th century itself, Dayanand Saraswati laid emphasis on cow protection. Gandhiji had said, ‘Cow protection takes man beyond his species… (It) is the gift of Hinduism to the world and Hinduism will survive as long as there are Hindus to protect the cow.’

The question of cow service has special importance in India. The religion of us Hindus is closely related to cow protection, but not only from the religious point of view, it is also important to understand that without cow protection we will not be able to progress. Today's scientists also consider cow protection as the safest work for the environment.


Why is it important to protect mother cows?

The importance of mother cow is special in Indian cultural and religious tradition. Mother cow is important in some areas due to which protection of the Indian cow becomes important.

Symbol of purity: Mother cow is considered a mother goddess and a symbol of purity in Hindu religion. The Indian cow is given the locality of a goddess and service and devotion are exchanged with her.

Cow Milk: Cow milk is an important part of the diet in Hindu tradition. Its milk is considered religiously sacred and is also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Agriculture and cow protection: Cow protection plays an important role in Indian agriculture. Its cow urine and cow dung fertilizers are used in agriculture.

Religious and cultural significance: Protection and service of mother cow is considered an important religious and cultural duty in Hindu society. Cow protection campaign is a pursuit of strengthening religion, prosperity and social bonding.

Environmental Protection: Another important aspect related to the protection of cows is that the environment is protected and conserved through cow shelters. The fertilizer produced from the companionship of mother cows is also used in the environment.

Thus, the importance of mother cow is linked to a social, economic, and spiritual relationship in Hindu society and it plays a guiding role in the path of prosperity and equality.


The Vedas and scriptures about saving Indian cows

Killing of animals was proscribed even the Bible.The Vedic scriptures recommend offering respect and security for the indian cows.

Yajurveda 30.18: One who kills cows should be punished.

Rigveda 1.164.40: Cow is sacred and killing it is prohibited.

Yajurveda 13.49: There should be no violence towards cows.

Manusmriti 4.162: Guru, teacher, father, mother, Brahmin, cow and yogi should never be killed.

Mahabharata Article 65-46: 'Cow's milk is nectar. Indra, the king of the gods, has said this. Therefore, if we donate a cow, we donate nectar.

Atharva Veda 4.21.5: Cow brings well-being and purity to the house. He is the source of wealth and prosperity.

If we want to establish prosperity and peace in the world, then cow slaughter should be banned. Maximum importance should be given to the use of cattle in agricultural work. This will pave the way for ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah’. The golden age will return. Let us conserve and care for Indian cows for humanity and environment.



How can we save cows from slaughter?

Cow protection means not only protecting cows from slaughter but providing them a happy life far away from manipulation and abuse. Saving cows from slaughter involves advocating for animal rights, supporting ethical farming practices. You can raise awareness and share information about the conditions in factory farms and slaughterhouses.

How do I save cows?

You can seek the support from Shree Krishnayan Gaushala to protect accidental or stray cows. Cows' welfare could be vastly improved by providing more available space, opportunities for exercise and access to pasture to help avoid the health, stress and behavioral problems associated with poor conditions.

Why should we save cows?

It has been suggested in the scriptures that the cow is the mother of the entire world. Caring for it is a means of caring for "all living beings". It is the duty of every Sanatan Hindu and human being to protect mother cow. Being kind to animals is a good deed. It has been proved by scientific research that milk, curd, ghee, urine and cow dung, the five major substances obtained from cow, which are known as Panchagavya, remove the major three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) of humans.


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