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Online Yagya Service

Uploaded on 10 May 2023
Online Yagya Service

Bring immense joy, fortune and well-being in your life with Online Yagya

In Indian culture, Yajna i.e. Havan is a magnificent Vedic ritual which has been prevalent in our country for centuries. If we talk about the root word, then the word "Yagya" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Yaj" which means worship and sacrifice. Through this sacred ritual, the blessings of the deities are sought and their guidance is sought so that there is a sense of happiness and security in life.

Importance of Yagya in Indian and Vedic Culture

If we talk about the reasons for which Yagya Kriya is performed, it is mainly for the fulfillment of desires, to remove obstacles, to purify the environment, to remove negative energies, and to improve one's life. Yagya is performed to bring peace and prosperity. It is believed that when the yagya is performed, the smoke and aroma of the prasad emanating from it purifies the air and has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of the participants.

Not only this, the chanting of mantras and offering of ghee, grains and other ingredients during the yagya imparts a powerful and positive energy to the mind and body of the participants. Not only this, the Yagya Kriya also has a favorable effect on the atmosphere and environment. It is described in our scriptures that the positive vibrations generated during the rituals have a divine and positive effect on the surrounding flora and fauna.

Yagya fulfills all wishes

Our shastra, Ved Puran are filled with different kind of yagya like putresthi, kamesthi yagya etc which fulfills all your wishes and remove hurdles. But all the Yagya will only bear fruits if Havish is pure and proper, the mantra is pronounced by Vedic Brahmins only and that too is correct. Food, attire and living style is pure and proper of the Brahmins. The ghee used in the Yagya should of desi cows only which nowadays is very scarce. We at Krishnayan fully take care of this and see that everything is according to the procedures laid down in our Shastra so that the Yajman reaps fruits.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala is a renowned Gaushala which is providing online Yagya services for religious gentlemen from India and abroad since many years. Actually, nowadays everyone neither has enough time nor awareness to perform Yagya program properly in their home, that's why Shri Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala, we perform different types of Yagya in exactly the same way in your house, as described in the Ved Purana and which fulfills all the wishes of the host. At Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala, it is ensured that the Yagya is performed according to Vedic procedures and the mantras are chanted only by Vedic Brahmins so that the full fruit of the Yagya is achieved.

Not only this, Shri Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala ensures that the food, clothing and living conditions of the Brahmins performing the Yagya are pure and proper, and that the ingredients used in the Yagya such as ghee are obtained from indigenous cows only. It gets desired results. As it is mentioned in our Vedas, desi cows are synonymous with purity in Hinduism and the ghee obtained from them has many health benefits and spiritual significance.

Online yagya programs on auspicious occasions

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala performs Yagya Kriya with an aim to make all the auspicious occasions of your life special and to keep the blessings of God. You can avail online yagya services for weddings, child birth, housewarming and other important events. We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable priests who perform Yagya on the banks of Maa Ganga at Haridwar and Rishikesh. These places are considered highly sacred in Hinduism and are believed to possess immense spiritual power and positive energy.

You too can perform Yagya for yourself or your loved ones on the banks of Maa Ganga in Haridwar and Rishikesh and get maximum merit. Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala ensures that the Yajnas can participate in the Yagya from the comfort of their homes through their online Yagya services. Once you have booked Yagya online by contacting Gaushala, we will contact you, asking for necessary details like your name, date of birth, etc. to find out the auspicious time for Yagya programme. After this we will inform you and start the Yagya by taking Sankalp with your name. Once the yagya program pooja is completed you will get the video of it. And also, prasad etc will be delivered to you. In this regard, we also provide you the pictures and videos of the related yagya program along with the video call facility.

If you wish to book an online puja, call on this number, +91 8755955000 or mail us at-


About Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshashala

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of desi cows in India. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray desi cows majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of these Gauvansh are milk barren. This gaushala is run and managed by saints. We do not sell milk or milk products. We started with just 11 cows in the year 2010 in Haridwar and presently we shelter and feed more than 18000 cows We are registered with Animal Welfare Board of India (Chennai) and with animal welfare board in various states.

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