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Milk And Feces Of Desi Cows Vs Cross-Bred Cows

Uploaded on 14 Jun 2021
Milk And Feces Of Desi Cows Vs Cross-Bred Cows

It is a common belief that cow milk and cow dung possess some special properties comparable to therapeutic agents. The mineral elements exist in the cells and tissues of animals in varying concentrations which are required for various metabolic and physiologic functions. The age, species or breed, physiological status and production determine the requirements of these mineral elements by tissues for several functions, be it curative in certain cases. Their excretion in milk and feces also depends upon the same. Presence of these elements determines the functional properties of the milk and dung. Their excess as well as deficiency can change the properties of milk and dung.

Milk of Desi contains more iron (3.30±0.2) which is required for red blood cells synthesis and white cells of defense mechanism as well. Values of Zinc is also higher in milk of Desi (5.98±1.23) which is required for many enzymatic and metabolic activities and in the transfer of signals form steroid hormones. Zinc is also required for immunity and hormone metabolism. Potassium is needed for proper growth, blood synthesis and cardiac activities that is present in sufficient (1800.00 +348.260) amount in milk of Desi cows. However, high values of copper (2.99 ±. 45), Magnesium (2764.83 ± 316.16) and calcium (1276.97 ± 82.04) in feces of Desi cow might have some role in soil fertility and further utilization of these elements by plants that will lead to enhanced production. Now days lot of emphasis is being given on Organic farming, for this the use of Desi cow dung is encouraged. 

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