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Life Satisfaction & Happiness is not possible without GAUSEVA

Uploaded on 01 Oct 2022
Life Satisfaction & Happiness is not possible without GAUSEVA

Goseva and Gaushalas are the secret of Happiness in life

We often face this question in our life that why is Goseva necessary? I mean, "Why Goseva?" Actually once we understand the true meaning of the word "seva". True "seva" is an action meant only for the satisfaction of the one served. However, since the question, "Why Goseva?" is commonly asked, lets understand the value of Gauseva and importance of cow in our happiness and satisfaction of.

Why Goseva is necessary?

In Hinduism, cows are considered to be sacred and are worshipped as the embodiment of motherly love and kindness. In fact, cow seva, or gauseva, is considered to be a noble and selfless act of serving and protecting these gentle creatures. The practice of gauseva is not only a religious duty but also a way of life for many Hindus. In this blog, we will explore the importance of gauseva and how it can bring happiness and satisfaction in our lives.

In the 11th (11.11.43) Canto of Shrimat Bhagwatam Krishna told his beloved cousin Udhava that he can be worshiped by offering cow grass and other suitable grains. Worshiping cow is equal to worshiping Krishna. Mahatma Gandhi once said” Cow is the source of progress and prosperity. In many ways it is superior to one’s mother”.

Gauseva is not limited to simply feeding and caring for cows; it is a comprehensive practice that involves providing shelter, medical care, and even rescuing them from harm. The act of gauseva is based on the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, which teaches us to treat all living beings with respect and compassion. It is a way of expressing our gratitude towards these animals, who provide us with milk, dung, and even companionship.

Importance of Go-seva

The importance of gauseva can be understood from the fact that cows have been an integral part of Indian culture for thousands of years. They are not just a source of livelihood for many rural families but are also seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Cows are also believed to be the embodiment of the divine mother, and by serving them, we are serving the divine.

Gauseva has numerous benefits, both for the cows and for those who practice it. For the cows, gauseva provides them with a safe and comfortable life, free from hunger, thirst, and disease. It also helps to preserve the genetic diversity of Indian cows, which is essential for the sustainability of our agricultural system. By protecting and nurturing cows, we are also helping to promote ecological balance and sustainability.

Why Gandhi Preferred ‘Goseva’ To ‘Goraksha’

For those who practice gauseva, it is a deeply fulfilling and satisfying experience. It brings a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that you are doing something selfless and noble. It also helps to develop a sense of responsibility and empathy towards all living beings, which is essential for leading a meaningful and purposeful life.

In addition, gauseva also has numerous health benefits. Cow milk is rich in nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamin D, which are essential for our overall health and well-being. Cow dung and urine are also used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating a variety of ailments and improving our immune system.

Thus, gauseva is an essential part of Hindu culture and has numerous benefits for both cows and humans. By practicing gauseva, we are not only fulfilling our religious duty but also contributing to the well-being of our society and environment. Without gauseva, there can be no life satisfaction and happiness in life. So let us all make an effort to protect and serve our gentle and kind bovine friends, and in doing so, find true joy and contentment in our lives.

One Gaurakshashala serving the cows

In earlier days all most all houses had cows and hence Goseva was an essential part of life.  In recent times, in view of the migration to cities, Goseva has not been possible though not forgotten. Therefore, there is a need to establish Goshalaas where cows can be maintained in a good environment. This has to be a community effort rather than individual effort.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of Desi cows in India. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of the cows that come here are injured or sick, whose information is conveyed to us by the general public. We go to pick them up and bring them to the Gaushala, treat them and serve them. Accidental cows that are groaning due to the pain of other diseases or wandering on the side of the roads in distress due to death and hunger and thirst, have fallen into a deep pit somewhere or have crashed after being hit by a vehicle, such cows are called Our aim is to give them new life. Today hundreds of injured cows are under treatment in our Gaushala.

We have all the facilities for treatment here. Experienced doctors, degree holder’s compounders, service-oriented Gausevaks are present at all times to relieve the suffering of the cow mother. Our doctors are available round the clock. All of you are requested to join the noble cause of Gausewa by giving financial support as much as possible and helpthe cow mother to get her lost honor and rights.


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