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Indigenous Cow Breeds in India

Uploaded on 06 Jun 2023
Indigenous Cow Breeds in India

Indigenous cow breeds in India

Cow rearing is practiced all over the world. Farmers are earning good income by doing cow farming. The demand for not only Cow Milk but also for Paneer, Curd, Mawa and even Cow Dung and Cow Urine i.e. Gaumutra is increasing in the market.

Indian Desi Cow is known for its special characteristics. It is believed that the milk of Desi Cow is more beneficial and nutritious than the milk of foreign cows. Due to the qualities found in desi cow's milk and ghee, it is in great demand in the market. Its milk is considered good for strengthening, enhancing intelligence and developing the brain. In today's time, the trend of feeding A2 indigenous cow milk to children has increased a lot due to which the demand for A2 indigenous cow milk has increased to a great extent in the market. Animal farmers, who earlier used to rear cows of foreign breeds to produce more milk, have now gradually started keeping one or two indigenous cows.


Which is indigenous breed of cow?

Identification of Indian Desi cow breeds is simple, hump is found in them, due to which they are also called humped Indian breeds. Desi cow is identified mainly through its colour. This cow is completely white in color and the hair on its hoofs and tail are only black. Their hump is fully developed. If we talk about the weight of a desi cow, it can go between 300 to 400 kg.


Characteristics of Desi Cow/ Indigenous cow

Apart from being milch, the indigenous cow breed is also useful in farming work. This cow has a very calm nature and her immunity is also very strong, due to which she does not easily fall prey to dangerous diseases. At the same time, in case of any kind of disease, they get cured soon. They can easily survive in any condition or temperature and its effect is not visible on their milk productivity.


Benefits of Desi Cow Milk

The benefits of desi cow in dairy industry are immense. But still some people are seen asking the question that how much milk does a desi cow give or can it give? If you are also looking for the answer to this question, then let us tell you that this cow has the capacity to give 12 to 15 liters of milk in a day. At the same time, the immunity of the desi cow is also very good, hence it survives longer than other cattle. Desi cow can live for 15 years. Apart from this, A2 protein is found in desi cow's milk which is very easy to digest.


Top indigenous cow breed in india

Top breeds of Desi Cow are being reared in India, but some breeds have made important contribution to the rural economy. These breeds include Sahiwal cow, Gavlav cow, Gir cow, Tharparkar cow and Red Sindhi cow.


Which is the oldest cow breed in India?

The Kankrej cow breed, found mainly in the dry region of Rann of Kutch, Gujarat and Rajasthan, is considered to be one of the oldest breeds of cows. They are called Kankrej Cow and depending on the region they are also widely known by different names like Wadad, Waged, Wagadiya, Talbada, Nagar and Bonai. In Jodhpur region they are known as Deshwali Cow. Kankrej is as big as a man and has sharp horns shaped like a huge veena. They are usually larger than the normal cows and bulls seen in the city.

There are many people who claim that it is the oldest endangered species of India. Archaeologists researching the Indus Valley Civilization have found a head seal of a bull, used as a seal to mark trade, believed to be a male Kankrej, with a border on its back. There is a strong hump along the forehead and large hanging ears. Kankrej cows are used for plowing fields and producing milk in dairy farms. It is said that this breed can produce around 8 to 10 liters of water in a day which is a huge amount. This breed can also carry heavy weight on its back.


Some facts about cow breeds in India

Smallest Cow Breed in India: The Punganur Dwarf Cow, found in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh in the southern part of India, is the smallest cow in India and the world.

Best Cow Breed in India: Gir cow breed found in the Gir forest region of Gujarat is the best cow breed in India.

Largest cow breed in India: Gaur cow breed is the largest cow breed in India, while Chianina cow breed is the largest cow breed in the world.

Highest milk yielding cow: Found in Sindh province and the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, the Red Sindhi cow is the highest milk yielding cow in India.

Most Expensive Cow in India: Nellore breed of cow, also known as Ongole breed, is the most expensive cow in India.



Which is indigenous breed of cow?

  • Top indigenous breed of cow are being reared in India, but some breeds have made important contribution to the rural economy. These breeds include Sahiwal cow, Gavlav cow, Gir cow, Tharparkar cow and Red Sindhi cow.

What is the indigenous breed of Gir cow?

  • Gir cows are good milk producers among indigenous cattle. The breed is also known as “Bhodali”, “Desan”, “Gujarati”, “Kathiawari”, “Sorthi”, and “Surati”. The breeding tract of the breed includes Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Gir is named after Gir forest, the geographical area of origin of the breed.

Which is the oldest cow breed in India?

  • The Kankrej cow breed, found mainly in the dry region of Rann of Kutch, Gujarat and Rajasthan, is considered to be one of the oldest breeds of cows.
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