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Importance and Benefits of Gauseva in Shravan Month

Uploaded on 22 Jul 2023
Importance and Benefits of Gauseva in Shravan Month

The entire country has seen the devastation caused by floods and landslides in the mountains during the rainy season. Monsoon rains have wreaked havoc in northern India. From Delhi to Punjab and Himachal, normal life has been derailed by this natural disaster. Many deaths have occurred in the mountains due to rain and landslides. Humans are helpless in this monsoon, but we humans completely forget about those speechless creatures who rely on human help in these circumstances. They can neither call a government agency for help nor can they go to high places to escape the flood.

During this season, sometimes these poor creatures die due to road accident or drowning somewhere. In this dire condition, old, sick and weak cows and Nandi are often abandoned on the streets during the rainy season. They get a double whammy. On the one hand, they are suffering from hunger, on the other hand, there is a danger of electrocution from the electric poles on the roads and public places. At some places the power lines are coming out touching the trees. that’s why, there is a possibility of their getting electrocuted.


20,000+ Gauvansh at Shree Krishnayan Desi Gaurakshala
Whenever someone informs us about this at Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti, our medical team and cow servants go to the spot and bring the cows and cattle to the cowshed and treat them properly and take a vow to take care of them for life. If you also want to do something for such helpless, sick and injured cattle in this holy month of Sawan, you can adopt a cow in the cowshed or provide financial assistance to the cowshed for their service.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of Desi cows in India. We started with just 11 cows in the year 2010 in Haridwar, and presently 20000+ stray/ destitute Desi Indian Cows and bulls and her progenies are being sheltered in our Gaurakshashalas which are being brought by the Police, Government, NGOs, Farmers or various other machineries. Most of these are accidental or saved or rescued from various locations. We give these gauvansh a happy second life. We shelter, feed and take care of them completely. We have in house medical facility for them. We provide & give both medical help for needy & accidental cows. We have professional doctors for medical emergency.


Incredible benefits of Gauseva

By seeing cow, worshiping cow, remembering, chanting, and donating cows, man attains Akshay Lok by getting rid of all kinds of sins. The whole earth is considered to be revolved around cow. Where the cow sits, the land there is also considered sacred, and the dust of the cow's feet is also considered very sacred. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are attained from the cow. The fulfillment of any auspicious ritual of our Sanatan Dharma is also not complete without cow material substances. Cow's milk, cow dung and cow urine have special importance in all our religious works.

Since time immemorial, mankind has been serving cows to make their lives happy, prosperous, healthy, wealthy and fortunate. The scriptures are filled with the greatness of serving cows. In such a situation, we should give importance to cow service. In our culture, the cow is considered the mother of the entire universe. It is said that all the gods reside in the parts of the cow. Even the shadow of the cow is considered auspicious in our religious texts. During a journey, seeing a cow is considered very beneficial for a pleasant journey. The cow is also considered a sacred power in our religious texts. Even the air that touches the body of a cow is considered sacred in our Sanatan Dharma. Just by seeing a cow, one gets the blessings of all the gods and the merit of all pilgrimages.

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