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Uploaded on 21 Feb 2021

Feeding Management of Mother Cows !

 Mother cow has been given the status of world mother in our scriptures. Despite this, most of the people do not provide adequate service to the cow nor make proper arrangements for food. Cow rearers also do not provide adequate nutrition to the cows while fodder or feeding them. In such a situation, their physical development not only stops but their immunity also reduces. Apart from this, the destitute cows are forced to eat garbage and plastic on the streets. According to a report, hundreds of cows are dying every day across the country after eating plastic. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the diet of the cow, so that the cow remains healthy. In today's blog we will know how to feed Cow? And what should be the balanced diet of a cow?

What is the best way to feed a cow?
It is very important to give the necessary nutrients in the right quantity and proper proportion to the cow for its physical development, reproduction and milk production. In such a situation, it is very important to give them a balanced diet, but do not feed them whatever is available. The amount of food given to adult, pregnant and young cows is different. The cattle rearers do not even pay attention to that. In a balanced ration of cow's diet, the quantity of various ingredients is kept according to the season, weight and its production capacity.

To keep the mother cow healthy and happy, it is very important to give her a balanced diet at the right time. Give their diet with bran. Apart from this, to fulfill the nutrients, increase the quantity of grains, maize, barley, wheat and millet in the fodder as compared to before. Also increase the quantity of mustard cake, peanut cake, cottonseed cake, flaxseed cake in the cake. Give plenty of water to the cow. Feed mustard oil mixed with wheat flour. Apart from this, get them checked from time to time, so that it can be known whether due to some disease they are not able to eat enough food.


What is the best feed for cows?

Green fodder is considered very nutritious for cows. Green fodder is an integral part of animal feed. It is digested faster than dry fodder. Increases milk production. This includes Sudan grass, millet, jowar, macchari, oats and berseem etc. Cowsheds and cattle rearers should include both porridge and pulses in their green fodder. With this, the protein deficiency in animals can be easily fulfilled. Green fodder should be tasty, juicy, easily digestible and odorless.

Green fodder is the main source of cheap protein and energy for animals and protein obtained from grains, obtained from the two legume fodder crops, is cheaper than grain. To provide nutritious elements to milch animals at low cost, it becomes necessary to feed green fodder to the animals. Apart from the grain mixture, the nutritional value of fodder has a different importance for a balanced diet, hence we should pay more attention towards fodder. While we can maintain the health and production of cows with green fodder, we can also save on feed costs by reducing the quantity of grains and other food grains.


Balanced diet

The food (grains and fodder) fed to cows every 24 hours, which contains food elements to meet their needs, is called Pashu aahar (animal feed). The diet in which all the essential nutrients of the animal are available in appropriate quantities is called a balanced diet. In a balanced ration, special proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and mineral salts have been prescribed.

What is the process of cow feed?

It is important to keep a gap of eight to 10 hours in the time of feeding cows. Include dry fodder, green fodder, and animal feed in the diet so that all the nutrients are available in the right quantity. Legume vegetables are also beneficial. Feed Barseem, Rizka, Guar mixed with dry fodder. Feeding these beans without fodder is likely to cause digestive disturbances and dysentery. Cow drinks about 30 to 35 liters of water in a day. Therefore, clean water should always be available. Protein in the diet is for the growth and good health of animals, carbohydrates provide strength and help in keeping the body warm. This is necessary for health and proper reproduction. Good production can be achieved by boiling broken wheat, jwar or millet porridge thoroughly, mixing it with salt, jaggery or molasses and giving it along with cake and mineral salts.




What is the best way to feed a cow?

Feed them in a routine calendar, at a fixed time and place every day.

What is the best feed for cows?

Cows' natural diet consists mainly of grasses, legumes, alfalfa, clover, and hay. There are many alternative feeds and supplements which are given to cows; these range from grass, fodder and silages of diverse plants, crop residues. You can also feed them residues from other production such as oilseed meal cake, molasses, whey, and crops such as beets or sorghum.

What is the process of cow feed?

To make hay, the grass is dried so much that its moisture content remains only 15-20 percent. This stops the enzyme action of the bacteria, but this does not reduce the nutritional value of the fodder. For making hay, cowpea, berseem, lucerne, soybean, peas etc. Apart from this, grasses like jowar, napier, barley, millet can be used.These grains can be an extra source of protein, dietary fiber, and carbohydrates for your cows

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