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What is Gir Cow?

Uploaded on 29 Mar 2023
What is Gir Cow?

What is Gir Cow?

The Gir Cow breed is renowned Indian dairy cattle breed that originated from the Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar, in the Gujarat districts of Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, and Rajkot. This breed is named after the forest of Gir, and it has gained popularity outside India, with countries like the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil successfully breeding them. The Gir breed has also been used in North America to grow the Brahman cattle.

Description of Gir Cow:

The Gir Cow breed is well-known Indian dairy cattle breed, known for its ability to tolerate stressful conditions and resist various tropical diseases. They are used as bulls on all kinds of soil to pull heavy loads and are generally gentle, polite, and love being around people. At night, they form a very close circle with their calves sleeping under their heads. In India, they are a popular breed of dairy cattle, with an average milk production of 6-10 liters per day. In Brazil, they produce an average of 3,500 kg of milk per lactation. The average lifespan of the Gir Cow breed is around 12-15 years, during which they give birth to 10-12 calves.

Physical Characteristic of Gir Cattle:

The physical characteristics of the Gir Cattle breed include an average weight of 550-650 kg for bulls and 400-475 kg for cows. The average height of Gir bulls is 1.35m, and the average height of Gir cows is 1.30m. Their body color varies from pure red to yellowish red to white, with large red spots. Gir cows have a broad, convex, and prominent forehead that looks like a bony shield. Their ears are long, pendulous, and folded like a leaf on the tip with a knot. The horns are bent and turn back, and the tail of the cow is very long. The breed has a prominent hip bone and a high hump, which distinguishes them from other cow breeds. Interestingly, the hump of the Gir cow has a specific vein called "Surya Ketu Nadi," which is missing in non-Gir cows and hybrid cows. This vein produces gold salts in the blood when dealing with solar rays, and such salts are found in the milk, butter, ghee, and other body fluids of the cow, giving them a natural golden color. In Ayurveda, Gir cow's milk, ghee, curd, urine, and dung together are known as "Panchgavya," which is useful for fighting and curing many human and animal diseases. The Surya Ketu Nadi of the Gir cow has many important properties.

MILK: Cow's milk is a rich source of vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids, phosphorus, glucose, cerebrosides, strontyne, and carotene, all of which offer tremendous health benefits to our bodies.

DUNG: Cow dung, on the other hand, contains essential nutrients like nitrogen(N7), potassium, copper, molybdenum, borex, cobalt sulphate, phosphorus, iron, manganese, boron, and sodium, making it a natural fertilizer that is widely used as raw manure in agriculture.

URINE: cow urine is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluoride, urea, phosphorus, and ammonia, and regular consumption of it has been linked to cancer prevention, body purification, and calmness of the mind, all of which contribute to overall good health and disease prevention.

Gir and Indian Desi Cow:

I The state is home to various cattle breeds such as Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Kankrej, and Thar Parkar, which fall under dairy (for milk only), dual (milk and work), and work animal categories based on their quality. Among these breeds, the Gir Cow is considered the superior Indian Desi Cow. Known by names like Bhadawari, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi, and Surati, this cow originated from the Gir forest in south Kathiawar, Gujarat. It produces between 1200-1800 kgs of milk per lactation and is highly resistant to diseases.

Gir and Hybrid Cow Comparison

When comparing Indian Gir and Hybrid cows, there are several differences. Indian cow breeds such as Gir, Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, and Kankrej produce A2 milk, which is high in A2 beta-casein protein. In contrast, Hybrid cows like Jersey, Holstein Friesian, Ayrshire, and Guernsey produce milk that contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins. Because A2 milk offers many benefits over A1 milk, cow breeds that produce A2 milk are considered superior to other cow breeds. Therefore, Gir cows, which are known for producing A2 milk, are often considered the best cow breed. 

here's a comparison table for Gir Cow and Hybrid Cow:


Gir Cow

Hybrid Cow


Longer, not too thick with many skin folds

Shorter, no folds


Large hump at the back

Hump is missing

Milk Protein

A2 beta casein protein

Mix of A1 and A2 beta casein protein (BCM7)

Disease Resistance

Highly resistant to diseases

More vulnerable to diseases


Can adapt to any environment

Requires heating/cooling for climate control

Calves per lifespan

10-12 calves

Maximum 4 calves


Similar to "human Mother’s milk"

"Milk Making Machine"

Milk production

6-10 L per day on average

25-30 L per day on average

Fodder consumption

High, thus higher maintenance cost

Low, thus lower maintenance cost

Nutritional Value

Highly nutritive milk produced

Milk produced has low nutritional value



What is the cost of Gir cow?

  • The price for a Gir cow starts with 35,000 per cow, but the range can vary significantly based on factors such as milk yield, age, breeding, and pedigree. Typically, Gir cows with high milk yield can be priced between Rs 60,000 and over Rs 2,00,000.

Is Gir cow milk good for health?

  • A2 Gir Cow Milk is very healthy and nutritious. It is full of important minerals like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. These minerals are crucial for strong bones and teeth, better muscle performance, boosting good cholesterol (HDL) and overall keeping your body healthy and fit.

How much milk does Gir produce a day?

  • An average Gir cow produces about 10 to 15 liters of milk per day In favorable weather conditions and diet.

Why Gir cow milk is costly?

  • The price of Gir cow milk is relatively high due to its good nutritional value and taste, as well as the presence of two protein groups: casein and whey protein.



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