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Earn virtuous benefits of Yagya and pilgrimage from GauSeva

Uploaded on 13 Sep 2022
Earn virtuous benefits of Yagya and pilgrimage from GauSeva

It is mentioned in our Veda & Purana that if you want to earn the merit of all the pilgrimages and Yagyas, then serve the Desi cow. You will get the virtuous benefit of performing all the yagyas and taking a pilgrimage. According to the scriptures, Gaumata worship gives desired results. Having a cow in the house is considered very auspicious for the prosperity of the house. It is said that along with studies, students should also serve the cow. This makes their mental development faster. Feeding and serving a cow is considered to be a better result for getting children and wealth.

The house or temple in which the Gaumata resides, that place is said to be the real Devbhoomi and in the house where there is no Gaumata, no ritual is successful. Where there is a cow, if any fast, chanting, sadhna, shraddh, tarpan, yagya, rule, fasting or penance is performed at such a place, then it becomes infinitely fruitful and gives inexhaustible results.

According to Vedic literature, all the gods reside in the cow. Therefore, the deities whom we worship by visiting temples and pilgrimages, all those deities are collectively seated in the cow mother. Therefore, for the accomplishment of any work, one should serve the mother cow with full devotion.

It is also said in Mahabharata,

Yatpunyam sarvayagyneshu dikshaya cha labhennar.
Tatpunyam Labhte Sadyo Gobhyo Dattva Trinani Cha…
That is, the merit which is in performing all the Yagyas and the benefit of all the pilgrimage, is easily obtained by feeding the cow mother.

The Gaumata is revered in our culture and religion as such a deity, whose daily service and philosophy have been prescribed by our scriptures. The Desi cow of today's era has been called by the name 'Gau' in ancient times. The 'Jarsi' cow is just a dairy cattle that gives milk. Gaumata means pure Desi cow only. This is the reason why only Desi cow's milk, curd and ghee and other elements are used in Ayurveda. In the house where women worship the cow, the grace of Goddess Lakshmi always remains in that house and there is never any premature death. The person who sees the cow mother regularly after waking up in the morning, his premature death can never happen, this thing has been said with great authenticity in the Mahabharata.

According to Vishnudharmottara Purana, there is a rule for worshiping cow mother for the retirement of any evil of a person. Many types of ill-wishers like Bhuchar, Khechar and Jalchar etc., cannot even touch the person who either serves the cow mother daily or donates food to her every day. The person who offers grass to the mother cow every day before the meal, he attains victory and opulence.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti’ is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of Desi cows in India. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers.  All of you are requested to join the noble cause of Gosewa by giving financial support as much as possible and help the cow mother to get her lost honor and rights.

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