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Desi Cow: The Vedic, Spiritual Astrological Merudand of India

Uploaded on 01 Sep 2022
Desi Cow: The Vedic, Spiritual  Astrological Merudand of India

Vedic, Spiritual & Astrological Significance of Desi Cow

In India, the cow is considered a sacred animal, and it has been an integral part of Indian culture for thousands of years. The Desi Cow, which is the Indian breed of cow, holds a special place in Indian culture due to its Vedic, spiritual, and astrological significance.

In fact, the absolute truth is that there are some Vedic, spiritual, religious, astrological and medical reasons for the importance of cow in Hinduism. Cow has been ingrained in the soul of Indian consciousness for centuries. From the economic and cultural point of view, the cow is considered as the backbone (Merudand) of India. Let’s understand the Vedic, Spiritual & Astrological Significance of Desi Cow.

Kamadhenu - Significance of Gomatha in Hinduism  

In the Vedic scriptures, the Desi Cow is referred to as "Kamdhenu," which is a divine cow that fulfills all the wishes of its owner. It is said that by taking care of a Desi Cow, one can attain spiritual and material prosperity. The Desi Cow is considered a symbol of wealth, health, and prosperity in Hinduism, and it is believed to have the power to remove negative energies and bring positive vibrations to the environment.

Cow and astrological significance 

Talking about the astrological importance, the cow has a special role in terms of the peace of the nine planets. Black cow is donated at the time of Shani Dasha, Antardasha, and Sadhesaati. Serving a red-coloured cow and donating a cow to a poor Brahmin weakens the effect of Mars when Mars is inauspicious. To remove the inauspiciousness of the planet Mercury, feeding green fodder to the cows destroys the inauspiciousness of Mercury. Similarly, Lakshmi ji is pleased with the service of the cow and also gives the boon of a happy life. Astrologically, the Desi Cow is associated with the planet Jupiter, which is considered to be the planet of wealth, fortune, and wisdom. The Desi Cow is believed to have a positive influence on the owner's financial prospects and is also said to bring good luck and prosperity. In fact, in many parts of India, owning a Desi Cow is considered a sign of affluence and social status.

Significance of Cows in Vedic Astrology

Apart from its spiritual and astrological significance, the Desi Cow is also valued for its health benefits. Desi Cow milk is said to be more nutritious and healthier than milk from other breeds of cows. The milk is said to have a higher concentration of A2 beta-casein protein, which is easier to digest and less likely to cause allergic reactions. Desi Cow milk is also said to have a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals, which makes it beneficial for maintaining good health.

In recent times, there has been a growing interest in the Desi Cow, and many people are opting for Desi Cow milk and other dairy products over those from other breeds of cows. There are even organizations that promote the breeding and conservation of Desi Cows to preserve their unique genetic traits and cultural significance.

Spiritual Significance & Benefits of Indian Cows

Cow has spiritual significance globally, "Gavo vishvasya matra". Along with the Navagrahas, there is a tradition of giving every sacrifice made in the Yagya to Varuna, Vayu deities with cow's ghee. This gives special energy to the rays of the sun. This special energy causes rain, and it is from rain that food, trees and plants get life. Cow's milk, dung, ghee is used in all the religious rituals in Hinduism. Where there are marriage rites etc., they also do the process of purification with cow dung paste. Godan is also considered very important at the time of marriage.

In conclusion, the Desi Cow's Vedic, spiritual, and astrological power in India is undeniable. It is not just an animal that provides milk and other dairy products, but it is also a symbol of wealth, health, and prosperity. The Desi Cow's significance in Indian culture and its health benefits make it a valuable asset to India's economic and environmental sustainability. The conservation and preservation of the Desi Cow are essential to maintaining India's cultural heritage and promoting its spiritual and material prosperity.

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