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Desi Cow and Humanity - Made for Each Other

Uploaded on 09 Aug 2023
Desi Cow and Humanity - Made for Each Other

There is no greater service to humans than Gauseva. The health, safety and welfare of human beings lies only in Guaseva. Biggest wishes are fulfilled by cow service. It has also been said in the Vedas that if there is the greatest service in worldly life, then it is the service of the cow and the welfare of human beings is possible through this only. As you go on doing cow service, you will feel that you are not serving the cow, but the cow is serving you from the point of view of health, from the intellectual point of view... from every point of view.


Why is Gauseva important?

It is a matter of thinking that why has it been said in the scriptures? Cow is a normal animal. Then why has it been glorified so much? The same buffalo that gives milk is also an animal. Then why is he not glorified so much?

The reason is clear. Cow is not called worship only because of milk. The reason for this is supernatural. Thirty-three crore gods and goddesses reside in the cow. Due to the abode of gods in the organs of the cow, it can also be called a wandering temple of the gods. Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Adishakti in the form of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati and not only all the Gods, Goddesses and Yoginis, but also all the oceans, rivers, seven islands, mountains, the solar system and the Asuras all reside here.

What can be more important to mother cow than this that being influenced by her qualities, Lakshmi and Ganga ji themselves have also succeeded in getting a place in her dung and cow urine after a lot of persuasion. That is, Lakshmi ji resides in cow dung and Ganga ji resides in cow urine.

Cow service is the first and last option for the grace of mother cow to be always on all of us and on the whole nation and humanity. We all have to take a vow that no destitute and handicapped cow should remain hungry and thirsty on the road.


Unique relationship between man and cow

The dust of cow's feet is also sacred and cures many diseases. The place where she sits becomes holy. Its dung and cow urine are also sacred. Many bacteria are destroyed by the breath of a cow.


Human and cow have such a relation like body and soul. It is a soulful relationship. No other animal can match as much as a cow can with human nature. The happier a cow is, the more vitamins are produced in its milk and the unhappier it is, the less quality its milk is.


Feed to Desi Gauvansh daily
We will be able to use Panchgavya in our daily life only by serving the cow. Punya is attained by Gausava and human life becomes meaningful. We should keep the cow in our house as well and feed bread to the mother cow before eating our own food. Donate generously for cow service and come forward for cow service.

We will be able to use Panchgavya in our daily life only by serving the cow. Punya is attained by Gausava and human life becomes meaningful. We should keep the cow in our house as well and feed bread to the mother cow before eating our own food. Donate generously for cow service and come forward for cow service.

If we want to be healthy and happy with the blessings of 'cow', the boon given by God to human beings, then use only cow's milk, ghee in food and drink and in Havan-worship. To protect the cows, those who have a place to keep cows must keep at least one desi cow.

Those who cannot maintain cows should feed to Desi Gauvansh daily. Those who are possible should cooperate with the cow shelters for cow protection. May the grace of mother cow be always on all of us and on the whole nation and humanity, for that we all have to take a vow that no destitute and disabled mother cow remains hungry and thirsty on the road, for this we will make efforts to take the destitute cows to the cow shelter. 

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