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Cow Urine Use In Agriculture

Uploaded on 16 Sep 2023
Cow Urine Use In Agriculture

Cow Urine Use in Farming

A Boon for Sustainable Agriculture

Cow is considered the backbone of the Agriculture Economy of India. This is the reason why most of the farmers in India have Cow Farming, which provides milk for daily needs and Cow Dunk and Gaumutra for farming.

Scientists have also believed that cow urine works as nectar to save the earth devastated by the use of chemicals. With its use, the number of micro-organisms in the soil increases, due to which the spoiled land also starts recovering. Cow urine also plays an important role in this work. Since ancient times, cow was considered the basis of agriculture in India, due to which there was a cow in every house. Through the cow, not only milk was available to the farmer but also cow urine for the fields. With time, farming methods also gradually changed. To feed the increasing population, the country started producing abundant crops in agriculture due to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The use of chemicals started having adverse effects on the fertility of the soil.


Use of Cow Urine in the Field of Agriculture

Using cow urine as well as cow dung in farming through natural methods is no less than a boon. Thousands of farmers have been doing farming through cow urine for many years. He uses only cow urine in his fields. He does not use any chemical fertilizers and pesticides and not even cow dung. Actually, cow urine has the properties of increasing the fertility of the soil. Due to which the taste of the crop grown from the farm remains quite good. Cow rearing is a major source of income in rural areas. These days’ pesticides are being prepared from cow urine. Till now farmers used to earn profits only by doing cow milk business, but now they can earn good income by selling cow urine also. In this regard, scientists believe that cow dung and cow urine are like nectar to save the earth destroyed by the use of chemical pesticides. With its use, the number of micro-organisms in the soil increases, due to which even the bad soil starts improving.


Benefits of Cow urine

The earth is becoming sick due to the increasing use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The number of microorganisms in the soil is decreasing. Bad land can be repaired through cow urine. Farming using cow urine of Indian breed cow also greatly improves the fertility of the land. By using cow urine, bad soil gets improved and even less water is required for irrigation. The ability of the soil to absorb and retain rain water increases.


Major elements found in cow urine

Important elements like nitrogen, sulfur, ammonia, copper, urea, uric acid, phosphate, sodium, potassium, manganese, carbolic acid are found in the cow urine of indigenous breed of cow. Apart from this, salts Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and E as well as hippuric acid, creatine and gold alkali are also found.


Use of cow urine as pesticide

Using pesticides made from cow urine instead of chemical pesticides has its own advantages. This not only harms the fertility of the land but also drives away insects that spoil the crops. Spraying of cow urine proves to be very beneficial in case of fungus in crops. Using neem oil mixed with cow urine is beneficial against leaf eating insects, fruit boring insects and stem borer insects in crops.


Cow Urine: A Boon for Organic Farming

Let us tell you that chemical fertilizers and pesticides have a very bad effect on the productivity of agricultural land. In recent years, the government has also been promoting organic farming among farmers through many schemes. In the last few years, many voluntary organizations in India have adopted cow dung and cow urine based farming and disease treatment methods and drawn everyone's attention towards their maximum use in organic farming.

Overall, cow urine and dung is a cheap and excellent fertilizer and pesticide. It is the natural food of the land and maintains the fertility of the land in its natural state. For this the farmer does not have to be dependent. Food products produced from cow dung and cow urine manure are tasty and healthy.



What are the benefits of gomutra ark?

  • Cow urine, or Goumutra, is referred to as the "Amrita" or "elixir of life" in Ayurveda. Cow urine has therapeutic properties, according to Panchagavya Ghrita. To treat illnesses, it is applied alone or in a mixture of milk, curd, ghee, and cow dung. The three doshas in the body are balanced, and it also serves as an insecticide, according to Ayurveda.

What is the use of Gomutra in farming?

  • Cow urine, popularly known as “gomutra,” is well known for its germicidal, antibiotic, antimicrobial, and medicinal properties. Cow urine-based fertilizers augment soil fertility, inhibit pests, and manage diseases effectively, thus forming a major component in ecofriendly agricultural systems. They are used in a plethora of agricultural operations as a biofertilizer and biopesticide.

How is urine used in agriculture?

  • Cow urine alone is also a good liquid fertilizer and can be used directly for spraying the crop. Dilute 1 lit of cow urine with 100 lit of water and use it as foliar spray. For one acre of crop 200 lit of such dilute suspension will be sufficient. This can be used in any crop in all the seasons.
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