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Care For Cows: Krishnayan Gauraksha

Uploaded on 02 Feb 2021
Care For Cows: Krishnayan Gauraksha

Unveiling the Secrets of Cow Care

Care for Cows: Nurturing Guardians of Our Farms

Cows stand as revered symbols in agriculture, embodying resilience, nurturing, and an intricate connection with humanity. Their well-being isn't merely a task; it's a profound responsibility that shapes the vitality of our farms and the health of our ecosystems. Let's delve into the essential aspects of caring for these gentle and essential creatures.

Prioritize Access to Water

Water is the elixir of life, especially for our bovine companions. Ensuring ready access to clean and unfrozen water, even in the coldest of winters, is pivotal for their hydration and overall health. Tank heaters or frequent checks to provide unfrozen water sources are crucial during freezing temperatures.

Medical treatment and care of cows

In the Gaushala, employ workers or Gausevaks to take care of the cows, so that the cows can be fed, bathed, walked, milk produced and medically examined on time. Keep in mind that separate sheds should be made for sick cows, so that healthy animals are not adversely affected. Keep consulting veterinarians and get the cows medically examined (Cow Health Care). Before rain, summer and winter, when the weather changes, give anti-disease vaccination to the cows, so that health problems do not arise.

Water system for Summer Season 

Spray cold water on the body of cows three or four times a day when the atmospheric temperature is high. If possible, take it to a pond. Experiments have proved that spraying cold water on animals in the afternoon is helpful in increasing their production and reproductive capacity. During the summer season, cattle feel less hungry and thirstier. Therefore, cows should be given adequate amount of water at least three times a day. Which helps in controlling body temperature. Apart from this, a small amount of salt and flour should be mixed in water and given to the patient. Cold water should be provided for drinking. For this, there should be a provision of shade on the water tank. Water pipes should not be exposed to open sunlight and as far as possible, they should be laid underground so that the water can be protected from heating up during the day. Water from a pitcher can also be used to provide cold water to cows.

Optimize Nutrition

A well-fed cow is a healthy cow. Proper nutrition is fundamental. Nutrient-dense feed or maintaining fields of cold-resistant grass ensures they receive essential nourishment. Avoiding feed wastage by using feeders or implementing rotational grazing optimizes nutritional intake while reducing waste.

Fodder facility

For better health of cows and good quantity of milk production, fodder, grains and balanced animal feed have to be provided on time. Often the prices of fodder are skyrocketing in the market. In such a situation, storing fodder also becomes very important. Meanwhile, keep in mind that animal feed should be stored at a high place, away from moisture, so that there is no risk of pests and diseases due to moisture.

Offer Shelter and Comfort

Protection from harsh weather conditions is imperative. Three-sided sheds or natural windbreaks shield cows from extreme cold, and keeping them close during winter storms through temporary electric fencing ensures their safety.

Manage Mud and Hygiene

Mud poses health risks for cows. Addressing muddy areas with suitable materials like gravel or woodchips minimizes the risks of foot-related ailments. Rotational grazing practices and allowing pasture recovery can mitigate mud issues.

Special Care for Pregnant Cows

Pregnant cows require specialized attention. Collaborating with veterinarians to administer necessary vaccinations, nutritional supplements, and providing them with adequate shelter and nutrition during extreme weather safeguards their well-being.

Enhance Overall Comfort

Attention to their comfort matters. Soothing udder cream for milking cows, provision of sand or water beds to ease body stress, and offering sufficient bedding materials during colder times contribute to their well-being.

In essence, caring for cows extends beyond mere responsibility—it embodies a commitment to respecting and nurturing life. Their health and well-being resonate deeply with the vitality of our farms and the interconnectedness of our ecosystems. Through meticulous attention to their needs and providing a nurturing environment, we ensure not just their welfare but also the prosperity of our agricultural endeavours.

Nurturing and caring for cows isn't just a duty—it's a testament to our commitment to fostering a harmonious coexistence between humanity and these revered beings, enriching our lives and the world around us.

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