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Animal Welfare in Farming

Uploaded on 18 Aug 2021
Animal Welfare in Farming

Animal Welfare in Farming

Animals are treated inhumanely across the country. The problem of stray animals is widespread in our country. These animals do not have shelter, food and water. This would be called complete cruelty. That is why the Indian Animal Welfare Board was formed in 1962 under Section 4 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The Board ensures strict compliance with the laws related to animal welfare in the country and helps the institutions involved in this work. The purpose of the Board is to protect all living beings, except humans, from suffering, suffering and pain. That means, from ant to an elephant, everyone's safety comes under the purview of Animal Welfare in Farming.

World Animal Day is celebrated every year on 4 October across the world under Animal Welfare. On this day, various issues regarding the welfare of animals and their rights are discussed so that awareness for the welfare of animals increases among people. On this day, programs are organized at many places, in which ideas are raised about saving and conserving various species of animals from extinction. This is also an important part of animal welfare.


What is animal welfare?
Animal welfare means taking care of all kinds of living beings, seeing their welfare. Along with food, health, physical and mental care, being aware of their rights comes under the scope of animal welfare. Protecting animals from any kind of cruelty, suffering and pain is animal welfare. Animal welfare refers to the quality of life of an animal and takes into account how well the animal is coping with its current situation and environment. Animal welfare is influenced by the relationships humans have with animals and ensures that all animals are treated humanely, responsibly and respectfully.


Animal Welfare in Farming
For centuries, humans have been dependent on animals in some way or the other. Since ancient times, humans have been using animals directly or indirectly. If we talk about farming, then animals have a big contribution in it as farmers used to use them in farming work in old times. If we talk about singing, then they have an important contribution in organic farming. Fertilizer is prepared from their feces and urine. Vermicompost is prepared from their dung only. Apart from this, their urine is also used in making pesticides. If a farmer has animals at home, then his expenses on farming are very low because he can prepare fertilizers and pesticides at home.

If we talk about the small honey bee, it plays an important role in the propagation of crops. If it does not do its work properly then the yield of the crop reduces manifold and on the other hand it produces honey. Chickens also play an important role in improving the quality of soil. Villages still require animals to carry fodder or grains from one place to another. Along with which their means of transport are also animals. Animals help the farmers and birds also help the farmers. Birds eat insects in the fields and save farmers from losses.


Objective of Animal Welfare
The objective of ANIMAL WELFARE is to stop human cruelty towards animals. Along with promoting the protection and treatment of animals, being alert to provide respect and rights to animals. Along with providing protection to animals in natural forests, it is also important to take necessary steps to improve their condition. Apart from this, it is also important to respect the feelings of animals.


Five Animal Welfare Requirements

The first requirement is that it should have a suitable place to live – animals should have the right kind of living arrangements, including shelter, adequate space and a comfortable place to rest. Whereas healthy diet has a special role in the second requirement. Under this, it is necessary to provide the right type and amount of nutritious food to the animals to keep them fit and healthy, with fresh, clean water available at all times.

After this, it is also necessary to keep an eye on the ability of the animals to behave normally. For this, animals should have enough space and the right kind of facilities so that they can behave normally. Apart from this, care should also be taken to ensure that they get the right company. They should be accompanied by some animals so that they do not remain alone and avoid mental depression. Ultimately, it is most important to take care of its health. Under this, animals should be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease and should get treatment from a veterinarian if they become sick or injured.



In the end, it can be said that the farmers who do animal rearing along with farming get double the profit and the income from farming gets reduced. Therefore, the welfare of animals and their rights should be encouraged. Every person should behave compassionately and respectfully towards animals. So that Animal Welfare in Farming can be successful and meaningful in true values.



What are the 3 main concepts of animal welfare?

  • Three primary concepts of animal welfare: health and production, natural behavior and emotions (affective states).

What are the 5 animal welfare needs?

  • The five areas of animal welfare cover different aspects important to their well-being. These include attention to the availability and quality of nutrition, fodder and water; Environment, which considers atmospheric and environmental conditions; Assessing health, presence or absence of illness and injury; To examine behaviour, restriction or expression of behaviour; and immersion in mental states, subjective feelings and experiences.


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