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Amazing Health Benefits of Cow's Milk for Kids

Uploaded on 25 Jul 2023
Amazing Health Benefits of Cow's Milk for Kids

Cow is reared in almost all the countries of the world. But in India, cow has got the status of mother. There is cow culture here. In the western world, cow is only a source of milk and non-vegetarian food, but in our country cow is considered as Kamdhenu. Cow has been glorified in the land of India since ancient times. God had to incarnate for the protection of mother cow. Shri Krishna dedicates his childhood and adolescence to mother cow.

Panchgavya is being practiced in the Indian society since time immemorial. We have been seeing its symbolic use. Everyone should be familiar with its medical properties. Especially desi cow's milk is nectar for children. It purifies the body, mind and intellect along with the overall development of the children.

Cow's milk is a boon for children. The children who drink cow's milk since childhood, their intelligence not only becomes sharp, but their energy also increases. This gives them the power to practice 'celibacy' and their aura increases. There is abundance of sattvik qualities within them. Children who drink cow's milk from birth are sharp minded and intelligent and their I.Q. It is very high.

Nowadays people have started drinking soft drinks, which weaken the memory power and make them irritable. Before the slavery of the British in India, there used to be Gaushalas with all the Gurukuls. Students used to drink cow's milk, due to which their intellect was able to understand the secrets of Vedas, Shastras and Science.

Now science has also accepted the fact that cow's milk has a special quality of sharpening the intellect. The children who are fed cow's milk, their development of talent and intelligence is clearly visible and the children who are fed buffalo's milk, they become retarded and lazy.

Veterinary experts believe that the cerebrosides present in cow milk are helpful in the development of brain and memory power and strontium molecule is also resistant to radiation. Cancer cannot enter the blood cells due to the MDGI protein present in the milk of desi cow. Scientists discovered that cow's milk contains caprylic acid, which is useful in increasing height.

In the past, when guests used to come tired, they were fed milk in hospitality. Nowadays tea is served, which contains tannic acid. According to UNESCO it is one of the causes of cancer. Therefore, in ancient times it was scientific to give milk that increases vitality and intelligence.


It is an urgent need to convey the glory of Panchgavya to the masses with authenticity. Indigenous cow breed will be needed for Panchgavya cow milk, cow curd, cow dhrita, cow urine and cow urine, that’s why our Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha and Golok Dham Seva Samiti is running a great campaign of cow service for the protection and service of indigenous cows for years through its Gaushala.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of Desi cows in India. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of these Gauvansh are milk barren. These cows are brought to our Gaushala from tough conditions. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after by hundreds of Gausewaks who work round the clock. This Gaushala is run and managed by saints. We do not exploit these cows for milk but distribute it free to saints,tapaswis, Gausewaks and Ashrams.

We started with just 11 cows in the year 2010 in Haridwar, and presently we shelter and feed more than 18000 cows & Bulls in various locations all put together. This number is ever-increasing as stray Desi Cows & Bulls mostly deserted by their owner are brought to our Gaurakshashala every day. We are registered with the Animal Welfare Board of India (Chennai) and with the animal welfare board in various states.

You too can earn the virtue of serving the cow by contributing financially in this Mahayagya according to your capacity and faith.

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