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25 Interesting facts about Cows in India

Uploaded on 27 Dec 2022
25 Interesting facts about Cows in India

Cow has been called mother in Hinduism. In the Puranas, religion is also depicted in the form of a cow. Lord Krishna used to serve the cow with his own hands and his abode has also been described as Goloka. Not only this, the cow has also been described as the fulfiller of all wishes in the form of Kamdhenu. There are many reasons behind this importance of cow in Hinduism which has religious as well as scientific significance. Even today, the cow is called Gaumata in the Indian society. According to the scriptures, when Lord Brahma created the universe, he first sent the cow to the earth. Cow is the only animal among all animals that utters the word mother, so it is believed that the word mother has also originated from the cow dynasty. Cow nourishes us all with her milk like a mother. According to Ayurveda, cow's milk is the most beneficial for the child after mother's milk.
So come, let's know some interesting facts about Gaumata -

  1. Cow's milk is like nectar, so newborn children whose mothers are unable to feed milk are fed cow's milk.
  2. Apart from cow's milk, urine, dung, ghee, curd, buttermilk, butter, all are nutritious.
  3. During his reign, Maharaja Ranjit Singh made a law of capital punishment for cow slaughter in the state.
  4. There are 30 breeds of cow found in India, which are Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Gir, Devni, Tharparkar etc. breeds are the main breeds of milch cows in India.
  5. Gomutra (cow urine) is one of the Panchagavyas. In some modern research, its very beneficial medicinal properties are told.
  6. Protein of 7 amino acids is found in cow's milk, which does not cause bone disease.
  7. Recent research has revealed that the protein found in Indian cow's milk is important in curing heart attack, diabetes and mental illness.
  8. It has also been revealed in the new research that the cow of Indian breed has sun glands, which convert its milk into medicine with nutritional value.
  9. Consumption of red colored cow's milk energizes the body, while black colored cow's milk protects against stomach gas related diseases.
  1. Cow does not know the difference between red and green.
  2. Cow's heart beats 60 to 70 times in a minute.
  3. Cow's hearing power is better than humans.
  4. The cow typically weighs 1,200 pounds.
  5. The normal temperature of a cow is 101.5°F.
  6. Cow chews about 40,000 times, it does not eat grass with teeth.
  7. Cow has only one stomach but it has four different digestive compartments.
  8. Scientists say that Vitamin B12 is found in abundance in cow's urine.
  9. On praying with cow dung, the germs die and the foul smell ends.
  10. There is no radiation in the house covered with cow dung and avoid the risk of cancer.
  11. There is a current of 1.5 ampere in the urine of a cow.
  12. Methane gas released from cow dung is used as electricity.
  13. The best organic fertilizer can be made by using cow dung, which will avoid the use of organic chemical fertilizers and will be able to get safe food.
  14. Consuming milk of indigenous cow strengthens bones, consumption of ghee of indigenous cow is beneficial in piles etc.
  15. Gir breed of cow provides the most milk and it is the oldest in India and its milk gives desi ghee.
  16. India is the largest producer of milk in the world, followed by America.
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